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HomeComic BooksX-Force #37 finally reveals the Man with the Peacock Tattoo

X-Force #37 finally reveals the Man with the Peacock Tattoo

X-Force #37

Since X-Force #1, we’ve been wondering one thing, who is the man with the Peacock Tattoo? It’s a mystery that has run all of these issues with teases and hints throughout. Now, we finally have our answer in X-Force #37 and it’s rather… underwhelming.

When X-Force debuted with its latest volume, it introduced one of the more intriguing new characters in the X-universe, the Man with the Peacock Tattoo. The leader of XENO, he came across as a nice mix of some of the X-Men’s solid villains of the past. Fueled by hatred of mutants with a mysterious agenda, the character has been a thorn throughout this run, but who is he? Writer Benjamin Percy delivers that answer in X-Force #37 and it’s just ok.

Part of the issue is that the mystery has been set up for so long. There’s little chance that anything delivered would live up to the anticipation of the reveal. Then, there’s the reveal itself. While not bad, and lots of potential, it ties back to continuity so long ago. Unless you’re a diehard fan, it’s a reveal that might not resonate as to its importance. Then there’s the tragic backstory itself which as presented is so twisted and all over, it doesn’t quite land as far as pathos or motivation. It has the building blocks there but just doesn’t stick the landing.

But, the issue does have its moments. The team is the usual dysfunction one would expect and an impatient Deadpool pestering Omega Red almost makes the comic worth it.

The art by Robert Gill is good. The characters all look solid and the detail and page layouts deliver a comic that has hints of horror. With color by Guru-eFX and lettering by Joe Caramagna, the art is intriguing as it hints at what the Man in the Peacock Mask has been up to and working on. Horrors pepper panels and pages begging the reader to dive in and try to guess what has been going on off panel and off page.

X-Force #37 is a piece to the overall story and in that way it’s good. But, on it’s own, it’s just ok delivering a reveal that doesn’t land partially because it’s been dragged out so long. There’s little chance it could have delivered the excitement that’s been built up to this point, a story that works against itself in that way.

Story: Benjamin Percy Art: Robert Gill
Color: GURU-eFX Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Story: 7.0 Art: 7.8 Overall: 7.0 Recommendation: Read

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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