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HomeComic BooksWhere Monsters Lie #1 kicks off a twisted and funny concept

Where Monsters Lie #1 kicks off a twisted and funny concept

Where Monsters Lie #1

Where do those unkillable monster go in-between their murder sprees? What are their lives like when they’re not wracking up a body count? They’re at Wilmhurst-a gated community in the middle of nowhere where they relax-or try to-until they get the call to go out and kill again. Where Monsters Lie #1 takes us into this twisted world delivering a hell of a lot of laughs.

Written by Kyle Starks, Where Monsters Lie #1 is both a spoof and love letter to the slasher genre. With a quick punch, or really a stab, we’re invited into a world of twisted characters each with a gimmick that’s over the top silly. But, the silliness works so well. Starks plays off of them, and the concept so well, with a first chapter that sucks you in and leaves you wanting more.

The concept is simple, slashers live in a community together and must follow the rules. But, rules get broken and what was once a quiet community is going to have some issues. The debut issue is such a fantastic start with jokes coming at the readers quickly, much like the stabbing motion of one of these wannabe franchises.

The art by Piotr Kowalski is fantastic. With color by Vladimir Popov and lettering by Joshua Reed the art plays the absurdity of things rather straight. The characters are so goofy, it’d be hard to not laugh at them as they were about to kill you. But, the comic’s visuals deliver it all like there’s nothing amiss. It’s all normal in this community. It’s a comedy played out straight with little laughs, which makes it all the more funny.

What stands out about Where Monsters Lie #1 is the fact it is a comedy. It’s funny. Really funny. Like, you will really laugh out loud type of funny. The comments are quick and the characters are bizarre and it all works so well because it’s playing it all straight. If you’re looking for a twisted laugh or a fan of the slasher genre, this is a must get.

Story: Kyle Starks Art: Piotr Kowalski
Color: Vladimir Popov Letterer: Joshua Reed
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Dark Horse provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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