Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeGamesKnuckleduster Miniatures Releases Gunfight Royale Board Game

Knuckleduster Miniatures Releases Gunfight Royale Board Game

This here town ain’t big enough for the two of us, pard’ner. Come on out with your six-guns a-blazin’ and a-firin’! That’s where you find yourself in Gunfight Royale, the new board game now available from Knuckleduster Miniatures.

From the announcement:

Knuckleduster Miniatures has just released it’s first board game, Gunfight Royale, putting the Gunfighter’s Ball experience within the reach of gamers who want an instant Wild West shootout without all the fuss of painting and building terrain.

Gunfight Royale is a tactical combat game that features plastic cartoon gunfighters duking it out with dice, weapons, items and dirty tricks on a traditional 20×20″ folding parlor game board. Game play follows the same basic logic as Gunfighter’s Ball, but has comical elements and a game “feel” that shares similarities with arena combat video games.

The base game and three expansion packs have been released. The base game includes thirteen plastic figures, a game board, wound chips, dice, tokens, and cards for character profiles, scenarios, weapons, items, wounds and dirty tricks. Each expansion comes with three new characters and their cards.

2-6 players

Age 14-adult

Playing time: 30-90 minutes

Complexity: 2.00/5

Gunfight Royale Gold Edition, $65, KDM-21101

Expansion packs, $21, KDM-21302, 303, and 304.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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