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HomeComic BooksWhite Savior #1 is a fresh take on the time travel parody

White Savior #1 is a fresh take on the time travel parody

White Savior #1

True history and what the world teaches us are often at conflict. In a world where war is commonplace, the victor tells the story. This creates a problem as we find stories promulgated by the ruling class while those who challenged those in power become vilified. The most prominent example being Hannibal, who had the Roman Empire shaking from the threat of his might and his threat to their existence. To this day, his storied tales are rarely told in schools where they teach world history and his people’s genocide, is met with skepticism at the mention of most.

Another story where whitewashing had been commonplace is the story of Magellan and his visit to the Philippines. The reckless explorer as the hero in Elcan Magellan, and the man who killed him, Lapu Lapu, is a dangerous native, even a villain. The movie, like Last Samurai and Dances With Wolves, propel the White Savior syndrome, something that disgraces most stories about people of color. In White Savior #1, we find a protagonist who soon finds out one story he was told as a child is not completely true.

A grandfather recounts a story about a white man, Nathan Garin, who leads a group of warriors into certain doom. It’s a story he has told his grandson, Todd Parker, a hundred times. As an adult, his reticence for the story has only become ever-present. Todd’s grandfather assures him that this story is true and that his being a history teacher is important to why he should teach it, as in his grandfather’s mind, it’s all true. The story shifts to feudal Japan, where the Akuna Clan is at war and where Todd is suddenly transported. From there, his grandfather’s story and reality clash.

Overall, White Savior #1 is a fresh take on the time travel parody. It challenges stereotypes, presents realistic people of color, and still feels groundbreaking. The story by Eric Nguyen and Scott Burman is exhilarating, perceptive, and captivating. The art by the creative team is magnificent. Altogether, a story that feels like a cross between Back To The Future and Real Genius, both irreverent and pertinent.

Story: Eric Nguyen and Scott Burman
Art: Eric Nguyen, Micah Meyers,
and Iwan Joko Triyono
Story: 10 Art: 10 Overall: 10 Recommendation: Buy

Purchase: TFAWZeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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