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HomeComic BooksMini Reviews: Night Clubs, Immortal Sergeant, and Bane Wrestling!?

Mini Reviews: Night Clubs, Immortal Sergeant, and Bane Wrestling!?

Immortal Sergeant #1

Sometimes, the staff at Graphic Policy read more comics than we’re able to get reviewed. When that happens you’ll see a weekly feature compiling reviews of the comics, or graphic novels, we just didn’t get a chance to write a full one for.

These are Graphic Policy’s Mini Reviews and Recommendations.


Night Club #2 (Image Comics) – This is basically Kick-Ass with vampires from Mark Millar and Juanan Ramirez. The second issue focuses on Danny showing off his new abilities to his friends and giving them to them as well with his sire nowhere in site. It’s definitely leaning into all power, no responsibilities with Danny and his friends recording YouTube videos and beating up bullies. Night Club is definitely derivative of other media/Millar comics, but stylish visuals (You tilt the page when the teens use their powers) and a $1.99 price point make it worth a read for superhero or vampire fans. Overall: 7.6 Verdict: Read


Batman: One Bad Day – Bane #1 (DC Comics) – I generally like the concepts of the “One Bad Day” stories which focus on Batman’s rogues adding a bit of depth to their characters or setting them up for a new direction. This one has Bane somewhat retired and now wrestling. Written by Joshua Williamson, the story is a bit to hit over the head in some many ways, beginning with the wrestling aspect. There’s the duality of what’s real and what’s fake, something that’s been danced around with the character in the past. There’s the whole “wrestling” with who he is. The issue has Bane attempting to finish eradicating the world of Venom as he recounts his and Batman’s adventures to do so. The art by Howard Porter is pretty good and takes the comic from a borderline eye roll in it’s parable to a bit of fun, a comic you can enjoy while relaxing during an afternoon. It’s not bad but Bane is a character that really has so much potential and this issue breaks things down in a way to simplifies his pathos instead of building upon it to return him as the juggernaut character he should be. Overall: 7.7 Verdict: Read

Immortal Sergeant #1 (Image Comics) – A new comic from Joe Kelly and Ken Niimura!? That alone had me interested in this comic about a comic retiring and still haunted by a past case. The first issue is all set up as we get to know Det. Sgt. James Sargent as he’s about to retire after 45 years. While he comes off as the grizzled cop veteran, unfortunately he also comes off as an asshole. The issue dances around what’s to come without really diving into it, putting the full focus on Sargent. There’s potential there but with a character I hope falls victim to “last day on the beat” tropes for the police doesn’t get me pumped to read more. While I expect things will eventually get good, the start is a bit slow. Overall: 7.0 Verdict: Read

Well, there you have it, folks. The reviews we didn’t quite get a chance to write. See you next week!

Please note that with some of the above comics, Graphic Policy was provided FREE copies for review. Where we purchased the comics, you’ll see an asterisk (*). If you don’t see that, you can infer the comic was a review copy. In cases where we were provided a review copy and we also purchased the comic you’ll see two asterisks (**).

Source: Graphic Policy

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