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HomeComic BooksDark Ride #4 delivers some twisted ups and downs

Dark Ride #4 delivers some twisted ups and downs

Dark Ride #4

I say it with every review, but I’m generally not a horror fan. There’s some I like but it’s a genre I tend to stay away from. But, every once in a while something jumps out at me. This is a series that’s done exactly that and Dark Ride #4 is another example of why I’ve liked this series so much.

Written by Joshua Williamson, the series has focused on a horror themed park which has a lot going on under the surface. It’s founder is a recluse who has made a deal with dark forces. His kids argue about trying to rebuild the brand which has been faltering. One kid has fallen far into the horror genre while the other has attempted to balance a normal life. Then, there’s a journalist who has been searching for her missing brother who disappeared after his first day working at the park.

What the series has done so well is dancing around its “what the hell” aspects. There’s clearly some demonic aspect to the story and series but the creators have danced around all of that, teasing things out bit by bit.

In Dark Ride #4, we get some more answers to all of the above but also a hell of a shocking ending that does a great job delivering the horror aspects of the series without crossing the line.

A lot of that credit feels like it needs to go to artist Andrei Bressan. Joined by colorist Adriano Lucas and lettering by Pat Brosseau, the visuals of the series has done an excellent job at balancing its scares. It could all easily go into a shock direction but instead the artistic team uses the less is more aspect of things. By not showing tons of gore, the creative team allows the imagination of the reader to run wild. It teases what’s going to happen and the shock and awe that will occur, but doesn’t actually show it. It all makes for a much more fun ride that relies an surprises and tantalizing scares than attempting to out-gross itself having to continually ramp up its visual shocks.

Dark Ride #4 is another fantastic issue that continues to bring things together slowly. It teases out the weird making you want to find out what’s really going on. It does an excellent job of balancing its scares never crossing the line where shock is its driver. Instead, its the characters within and their reaction as to what’s going on that’s the draw… ok, and the scares.

Story: Joshua Williamson Art: Andrei Bressan
Color: Adriano Lucas Letterer: Pat Brosseau
Story: 8.5 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

Image Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: TFAWZeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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