Niantic has updated the official GO Battle League Known Issues support page for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more:
GO Battle League Known Issues
Issue description: The final action of a battle can experience delays in certain situations.
Issue status: Investigating
Issue description: Some Pokémon that are not on the eligibility list for the Evolution Cup were able to be selected and enter into battle and others that are eligible were not able to enter into battle.
Issue status: Resolved
Issue description: Trainers attempting to join a GO Battle League battle see a message asking them to walk to unlock their next matches. This is purely a visual bug, tapping “BATTLE” will allow you to join the match without walking.
Issues status: Resolved.
Issue description: If a battle crashes, a pair of Porygon appear in the sky on the Map View. Trainers are unable to interact with them. This is a visual bug that does not affect gameplay and restarting the app will fix the issue.
Issues status: Resolved
Trainers are unable to leave the friend battle rematch screen.
Issue description: After battling a friend, Trainers are unable to leave the rematch screen and must restart Pokémon GO to continue playing.
Issues status: Resolved in 249.
Fast Attacks sometimes prevent Charge Attacks from working.
Issue description: If a Trainer tries to use a Charge Attack at the same time as an opponent’s Fast Attack that will cause the currently battling Pokémon to faint, the Charge Attack may not work.
Issue status: Investigating.
Fast Attacks that simultaneously cause both Pokémon to faint may not result in a tie.
Issue description: Fast attacks that will cause the match to result in a tie (both Pokémon fainting) will often not result in a tie.
Issue status: Investigating.
Force Swaps sometimes cause the opposing Trainer to miss a turn.
Issue description: When a Trainer is forced to switch Pokémon due a fainted Pokémon, their opponent may experience a short delay.
Issue status: In progress.
Trainers sometimes experience an error in the matchmaking process but still begin the battle.
Issue description: When a Trainer experiences an error during the matchmaking process, the match starts anyway.
Issue status: Investigating.
Trainers may briefly be taken to the battle screen during a canceled match.
Issue description: Sometimes when a match is canceled, Trainers will momentarily see their opponent in the Arena before they exit the Battle. This does not affect Trainer ratings and is purely a visual lag.
Issue status: Investigating.
Issue status: Resolved
Protect Shield Display Inaccuracy
Issue description: Protect Shield animation will still play even if a Protect Shield fails.
Issue status: Mitigated in 0.243.
Protect Shield Failure
Issue description: Protect shields may sometimes not work.
Issue status: Mitigated in 0.243. Further improvements under investigation.
Source: Official Pokémon GO support page
Source: Pokemon