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HomeComic BooksScarlet Witch #1 is a great concept with some clunky dialogue

Scarlet Witch #1 is a great concept with some clunky dialogue

Scarlet Witch #1

The Scarlet Witch’s history in Marvel comics has been up and down in recent years. She’s been a hero, a villain, and just missing. It seems there’s an attempt to pivot the character a bit with her recently making amends with the universe’s mutants and now a new series. Scarlet Witch #1 presents an interesting concept that feels like there’s a lot of potential to create a fun comic focused on short stories that can be enjoyed on their own.

Written by Steve Orlando, Wanda Maximoff is looking for a new start. She’s opened up a store, has to deal with an employee, and also anyone that walks through her magic door looking for her. The concept is fantastic. Having random people enter a door opens up the opportunity for short stories creating a series that feels like comics of old where you can pick up one or two issues for a full issues as opposed to five issue arcs. Scarlet Witch #1 is a complete story where there’s resolution at the end while also teasing what’s next. The debut feels like it has more in common with older episodic television than today’s comics.

Where there’s bumps is the dialogue. Unfortunately that aspect is a bit clunky with statements that fall into silly. When the group Wanda saves explains their mission, we get a statement that ends “We’re bored and very rich”, which might be true but also feels like it’s a bit out of left field. Quicksilver says he “catches” a character when there’s no indication they’re falling is another example. Slight things that are off and stand out.

The art by Sara Pichelli is fun. Elisabetta D’Amico provides inking assists while Matthew Wilson handles the colors and Cory Petit the lettering. Pichelli brings her usual flair that has made her a fan favorite. Here, there’s small moments of body language and facial expressions that add so much to the overall story. The interaction between Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch is fantastic with so much said just in the visuals. There’s also a great addition to the Scarlet Witch’s design with a magical flow that follows her around. The addition makes the character feel a bit more magical and provides more “action” in what otherwise might be a bit of a duller visual experience. It all makes Wanda feel a bit more magical in a way.

Scarlet Witch #1 is a fun start that can be read as a one-shot or enjoyed to see what else is to come. It feels different in that way from a lot of other comics to hit shelves, and that’s a good thing. Despite it’s issues, the debut is a fun one that looks to set up a new status quo for the character that opens up a world of opportunity and directions for her to go in to. Here’s to see what’s next.

Story: Steve Orlando Art: Sara Pichelli
Ink Assistant: Elisabetta D’Amico Color: Matthew Wilson Letterer: Cory Petit
Story: 8.2 Art: 8.2 Overall: 8.2 Recommendation: Buy

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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