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HomeComic BooksReview: DC vs. Vampires #12

Review: DC vs. Vampires #12

DC vs. Vampires #12

DC vs. Vampires has been one of DC’s best miniseries in quite some time. The premise at first seemed a bit silly but what makes it stand out is its ability to keep you guessing. Every issue featured surprises and shocks as characters died and so many were revealed to be vampires waiting to strike. The series kept the readers paranoid as to what would happen next. So, could it’s ending live up to that? Thankfully, yes. DC vs. Vampires #12 delivers a punch of an ending that hopefully will deliver more in the future.

Written by James Tynion IV and Matthew Rosenberg, DC vs. Vampires #12 delivers a satisfying conclusion to all three of its threads. Each delivering some hope and continued desperation. Supergirl and Mary Marvel continue to fight while Green Arrow and Grifter attempt to liberate the camp. But, it’s the confrontation between Batgirl and Nightwing that’s the center of the issue.

Tynion and Rosenberg have no issue using the relationship of these two to keep readers guessing as to what might happen next. They also make the case that maybe it’s best if Barbara gives in to Dick and help guide the future of humanity. Grayson admits he has gone too far and things have spiraled further than he’s wanted. He needs Barbara’s guiding hand to correct things and find the balance. But, is this the truth or just a seductive lie to get her to fall into his control? I won’t spoil the ending but where things goes is both shocking and surprising, delivering the final unexpected punch this series has been known for.

The art by Otto Schmidt, Francesco Mortarino, and Pierluigi Casolino with lettering by Tom Napolitano continues to shine. Its art has been excellent from the start balancing the superhero aspects of the series with its horror elements. It’s a tricky one but the series has nailed it down. It could easily have gone over the top in the deaths and surprises but it instead keeps things on the right side of the line with some fantastic action sequences and emotional punches. This issue continues that to the very end with each visual delivering the extra punch the story dictates.

DC vs. Vampires #12 is a fantastic ending to the series. Hopefully, we get more. What’s presented and hinted at leaves so much more to be done and so much more to explore. Easily one of the best “Elseworlds” type event in some time, one that deserves an encore.

Story: James Tynion IV, Matthew Rosenberg
Art and color: Otto Schmidt, Francesco Mortarino, Pierluigi Casolino Letterer: Tom Napolitano
Story: 8.5 Art: 8.4 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: TFAWZeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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