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HomeGamesWizKids Previews Shapers of Gaia

WizKids Previews Shapers of Gaia

December 01, 2022 by Polar_Bear

Let’s face it, much of the world is in a pretty sad state, environmentally-speaking. But we can still work on it. That’s what you’re doing in Shapers of Gaia, a new board game coming from WizKids.

From the website:

Work alongside the Caretaker robot to earn Prestige as you restore the ruined biomes of the land to their former splendor, repopulate species old and new, and give life to a rejuvenated ecosystem. Accumulate rare resources such as Nutrients and Energy to grow faster. But be careful! New biomes also provide resources to your rival factions.

  • Shapers use their unique skills to provide different gameplay advantages and challenges. There are six Shapers to choose from, including:
  • Oraplexis Terraria – Utilize Scavengers to gather large amounts of resources and quickly move around the map. Convert spores into nutrients to swarm biomes with life!
  • Rastar Nursery – Reap the benefits of seeds to shape them into new resources and adapt your species to their environments. Grow your advantage over time and cash it in for a big bonus!
  • Synthara Lab – Transform the harsh toxicity of the land into a new resource you can use to create strange new creatures that gain strong benefits. Transform destructive toxins into rejuvenating nutrients!

Use your unique abilities to come out on top as you compete with the other Shapers for resources and Prestige. Gain Prestige by arranging animals following their established behaviors, collecting DNA samples, and unlocking new Shaper abilities. Only the Shaper with the most Prestige (VP) at the end of the game will be allowed to permanently join the Caretaker as guardians of the rebirthed Gaia!


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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