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HomeGamesAmazing Adventures Multi-Genre RPG Up On Indiegogo

Amazing Adventures Multi-Genre RPG Up On Indiegogo

November 21, 2022 by Polar_Bear

Cowboys, Eldritch Horrors, Fireball spells, Aliens, Rayguns, and more. It’s all in Amazing Adventures, a new multi-genre RPG that uses the SIEGE Engine. If you’re never satisfied with just one genre and want them all in one, it’s the RPG for you. You can check out the campaign up on Indiegogo now.

From the campaign:

Amazing Adventures is the SIEGE Engine multi-genre table top Role Playing Game that allows you to engage in any kind of adventure, in any genre or story style you like! Whether your thing is 1930s pulp adventure, far-future space opera and planetary romance, modern urban fantasy, wild west gunslinging, or swashbuckling 16th century heroics, you’ll find all the tools you need in the Amazing Adventures Role Playing Game! Complete rules to create and run games, character creation, combat, secret societies, a rogue’s gallery and an attribute check system that allows the game master and player to pummel any challenge to a pulp!

It is fully compatible with Castles & Crusades the SIEGE Engine Fantasy RPG.

Now, we invite you to join us in bringing to your table the latest iteration of Amazing Adventures, in all its true multi-genre glory, to the SIEGE Engine rules system. Within its pages you’ll find:

  • Brand new character classes, and classic classes tweaked to work with a modern rules engine, including: the spell-slinging Arcanist; the Gadgeteer or Powered (super-science or mutation-based powers); the super-sleuth Investigator; the hardened Demon Hunter; the rough-and-tumble, stealthy Hooligan; the psionic Mentalist; the down-and-dirty Pugilist; the rapid-fire Gunslinger; the blades-flashing Duelist; the deadeye shot Zen Archer; the adventuring treasure-hunter Raider; the Socialite, who always has the perfect resources for the situation at hand, and others!  
  • Complete vehicle combat rules, plus statistics for a range of vehicles from standard passenger cars to modern jet fighters and beyond.
  • Firearms rules, designed for exciting modern combat, along with over 150 individual types of firearms fully statted out and described for your game!
  • A complete SIEGE Engine psionics system, thoroughly tested for compatibility with the existing rules.
  • Backgrounds, Knowledge Skills, Traits, and optional Generic Class Abilities for character customization options.
  • Fate points which allow you to accomplish great feats of heroics!
  • And so much more!

The campaign’s more than 2x funded with 16 days left to go.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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