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HomeGamesGames Workshop Previews Ironcrawler for Necromunda

Games Workshop Previews Ironcrawler for Necromunda

November 15, 2022 by Polar_Bear

One might not normally think about huge vehicles in Necromunda, but they’ve been getting a few lately and another is chugging its way over the horizon. It’s the Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler and you can get a first look at it in this preview.

From the article:

Since the release of Necromunda: Ash Wastes, the Guild of Coin has been merrily making its way across the desert in Cargo-8 Ridgehaulers laden with armoured containers and promethium tanks. But did you think that was the only vehicle they had? Of course not – get ready to go properly off-road with the Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler.

With its tracked propulsion, the Ironcrawler can drive over anything – from sand and rocks to prone enemy gangers or Gun-smyths who’ve sold you dodgy merchandise. Its sealed cab keeps the driver safe from radioactive dust storms and radioactive gangers alike, for a true all-terrain vehicle. 

The Ironcrawler even has a transport cage behind the cab, from which your gang can take advantage of numerous fire points to blast away from the comfort of their big rig ride. Ash Waste Nomads will think twice before trying to carjack you now.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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