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HomeGamesThe Gardener's Guide to Gaming RPG Supplement Up On Kickstarter

The Gardener’s Guide to Gaming RPG Supplement Up On Kickstarter

October 25, 2022 by Polar_Bear

My apartment is on the bottom floor of my complex and surrounded by hills and trees. As such, I don’t have any plants inside, since even shade-loving plants need some actual sun sometimes. But, while I can’t have actual greenery in my living room, I can live vicariously through The Gardener’s Guide to Gaming, a new RPG supplement for both Pathfinder and D&D that’s all about adding some foliage to your sessions. The book is up on Kickstarter now.

From the campaign:

The Gardener’s Guide to Gaming is a roleplaying supplement compatible with 5e and Pathfinder 2e. This plant-centric book will bring some vegetation to your game, providing new monsters to fight, new spells to cast, and new ancestries to play! We aim to have physical deliverables in time for GenCon 2023 (First week of August), with digital rewards and playtests available far sooner.

The campaign’s around halfway to its goal with 20 days left to go.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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