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Privateer Press Previews December Releases

The holiday season is almost upon us. And while seeing Christmas stuff out in the stores can be annoying for some, seeing what Privateer Press has in store for December isn’t so bad. Get a look at these upcoming releases below.

The first wholly galvanic warjack to enter mass production in the service of the armies of Cygnar, the Stryker is powered not by a coal-fueled steam engine but by a mechanikal storm chamber. With access to an arsenal of devastating weapons, the Stryker is more than capable of delivering a swift reckoning to any opposition that is unfortunate enough to step into its path.

Includes one warjack chassis, eight customizable arm options and four customizable head options.

Lighter and swifter than the Stryker, the Courser is the second of Cygnar’s new generation of warjacks to enter production. Electrically insulated to protect the machine from the sheer ambient force of its own galvanic weaponry, the Courser is a sophisticated weapon platform capable of delivering thunderous death to its warcaster’s enemies. 

Includes one warjack chassis, eight customizable arm options and four customizable head options.

If the Jackals are the hunting beasts of the Orgoth warcasters, the Tyrants are their metallic machines of war. Like all Orgoth warjacks, the Tyrants are inhabited by the spirits of fearsome beasts and are notably invested with savage and cunning: their Vulcar creators seek only the most vicious and fearsome of beasts to distill into the iron-caged frames of the Tyrants. Bristling with brutal and hell-marked arms, the Tyrants are devastating combatants empowered with arcane energies and raw Blaze power.

Includes one warjack chassis, eight customizable arm options and four customizable head options.

The Jackal is a monstrous machine, an Orgoth warjack infused with the savage spirit of a ravening beast. Scarred from the ancient memory of their bitter defeat, the Orgoth sought to replicate the formidable power of western Immoren’s warjacks that thwarted their occupation after the first invasion. Lacking either the industrial capabilities or the skilled knowledge for such creations, the Orgoth Vulcars turned to infernal sacral magic, ultimately producing brutal hunting hounds for their warcasters to master and command. Far more beast than machine, the Jackals bound into battle, wreaking gruesome deaths upon all who would stand against them.

Includes one warjack chassis, eight customizable arm options and four customizable head options.

While not as innovative as the lighter Dire Wolf chassis, the Great Bear sets Khador’s new standard for heavy warjacks. As physically powerful and durable as the Motherland’s last generation of heavy warjacks, the Great Bear also offers a more stable weapon platform alongside a suite of advanced optics, greatly increasing its proficiency in ranged combat. Its massive steam engine grants it the force necessary to knock aside its opposition’s heaviest machines. 

​Includes one warjack chassis, eight customizable arm options and four customizable head options.

Despite the unrest that plagued Khador in the years following the war with the infernals, a war that kept the Motherland from taking advantage of the full fruits of the technological renaissance that swept the other Iron Kingdoms, the nation was not entirely without its own innovations. Long a dream of the Khadoran High Kommand, the Dire Wolf was envisioned as a modern warjack designed to support Khador’s infantry forces in the field. Lighter and faster than any Khadoran warjack ever built, the machine was engineered to act as an anchor point for the infantry in battle. 

​Includes one warjack chassis, eight customizable arm options and four customizable head options.

His name was lost to memory during the Orgoth Scourge at the end of the last invasion when the defeated host sought to obliterate every record of their passing, down to the very stones of their grim temples and towering obsidian fortresses. For centuries Maulgreth, once amongst the greatest of the Orgoth warlords of that past age, waited, his unearthly rage contained only by the silence of his forlorn tomb. Now released from both his long confinement and his virtual obscurity by the warwitches accompanying a new Orgoth war host on their invasion of Immoren, the deathless Maulgreth has risen once more to strangle the world of humanity and to bring ruin to those who would defy him. Neither truly Orgoth nor wholly an avatar of death, Maulgreth acts as a sovereign lord, sometimes serving his kinsmen and sometimes entreating with the most foul eldritch of the Cult of Nyrro.

Now known only by her designation as a convict since all record of her existence was lost during the recent troubles, 102822 was sentenced to serve the Khadoran Empire as a Doom Reaver for her transgressions committed while serving within the Winter Guard. Over time, 102822 began to manifest a rare degree of control over the fellblade that she bore, enabling her to slip from the arcane control her Greylord masters held over her. As a result, 102822 was able to flee from the front lines in Llael, where she was bound to die at the vanguard of some fruitless assault. Slipping over the border into Ios, she was captured by agents of the Retribution, who had use for the living weapon 102822 had become. With the return of the Orgoth, she has been unleashed once more on the lands of Khador, where she has been abandoned to hunt the ancient enemy, sowing death and chaos wherever she wanders. 

Having bartered his soul to the Nonokrion Order for power, Eilish Garrity began to suffer buyer’s remorse following their defeat in the Infernal War. Saddled with an existential debt to a diminished infernal order, Eilish saw the arrival of the Orgoth as a final opportunity to brighten his prospects. The corrupt, power-hungry arcanist summoned some dark strength of will deep within himself and approached the invaders with a blasphemous proposition, requesting contact with their own infernal patrons. In a craven act of occult genius, Eilish swore fealty to the Fellgoeth infernals, promising to act as their agent on Caen and to serve the Orgoth during their invasion of Immoren. Now acting as a double agent to subvert the Immorese cause in resisting the Orgoth, Eilish loosely maintains his old contacts within Cygnaran society. He operates sometimes in support of the Immorese to further his ruse, or so the Orgoth believe, but in fact the slippery arcanist may yet be keeping his future options open should the war turn against his new masters. 

Having fled Korsk at the height of Ayn Vanar’s purge of the Greylords, Koldun Lord Damien Korovnik found himself captured by the Orgoth at the start of their invasion. Now forced into foul servitude by the invaders, Korovnik longs for his freedom and a return to his countrymen, even if it means his certain death. Though the former Greylord fights alongside the Orgoth host, he awaits the day he can strike back against his new masters to redeem some small part of himself before meeting his final judgment.

Eiryss was amongst the agents of the Retribution outside Ios when the Sundering separated the quick from the dead. Putting aside her former fanaticism, Eiryss pragmatically devoted herself to the defense and safety of the living Iosans. Viewing the eldritch with deep suspicion, she slipped into Ios at great risk to herself and recovered Voass, the sword of the Winter Father Nyssor, from the fallen Fane of Scyrah, where it was held as a sacred artifact of the lost age. Over time and with the coming the Orgoth, Eiryss has put aside her former hatred and distrust, instead seeking new alliances within both Cygnar and amongst the eldritch of Ios to protect her people from the gathering storm.

Having survived madness, possession, and countless dangers since she first picked up the cursed Witchfire, Alexia has proven herself to truly be a queen of the damned. The blade, said to have been created by the same Fellgoeth infernals worshipped by the Orgoth, has long since fallen silent under her dominion. Having reaved the immortal essence of the Nonokrion infernals during the Claiming, Alexia turned their power against the Witchfire, dominating the blade utterly. Now the sole master of the demon weapon, Alexia strikes back against the horrors of the world, seeking to defend life against the predations of denizens of the Outer Abyss. 


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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