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HomeComic BooksReview: The Variants #3

Review: The Variants #3

The Variants #3

Variations of you are popping up from across the multiverse. You’re also afraid you have a hypnosis time-bomb inside of you that’ll force you to hurt your husband and daughter. And there’s the headaches. That’s just some of the issues Jessica Jones is facing. The Variants #3 brings the “team” together as they finally settle down and begin to figure out what’s going on. Sadly, we’ll have to wait for that answers.

Written by Gail Simone, The Variants #3 is another fantastic issue that has some action, some humor, and some sadness. Jewel has shown up, a much younger and “innocent” version of Jessica which finally gets our hero to settle down. With her head more focused, the next best move is bringing the other Jessicas together to try and figure out what’s going on.

Simone delivers a rather heartfelt and sad issue as each hints at their story and and the tragedy almost all of them have experienced. Simone nails the roundtable discussion over coffee with looks and body language that exudes sadness and in one case frustration.

Much of that is delivered by Phil Noto‘s fantastic art. With lettering by Cory Petit, the art in this series helps tell so much of the story. Not only is there the various Jessicas, but each has a lot of tells and “language” from their body. One, you can tell she’s irritated at the current status of our Jessica. The Jewel version looks so much younger and in a way more innocent. It’s all impressive with the art conveying so much about our group and the mystery they represent.

But, there’s also some solid action with a nice fight to keep things rolling and entertaining. Noto and Simone definitely deliver a rollercoaster of emotions in the issue as each punch is thrown and each tragedy revealed. The Variants #3 is another fantastic issue that has us screaming to know what happens next. It’s a fantastic series that takes the rather overused multiverse concept and give us something new, a solid mystery.

Story: Gail Simone Art: Phil Noto Letterer: Cory Petit
Story: 8.5 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: TFAWZeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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