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HomeComic BooksMini Reviews: Kvlts, Barbarians, Savage Avengers, and more!

Mini Reviews: Kvlts, Barbarians, Savage Avengers, and more!

Barbaric: Axe to Grind #1

Sometimes, the staff at Graphic Policy read more comics than we’re able to get reviewed. When that happens you’ll see a weekly feature compiling reviews of the comics, or graphic novels, we just didn’t get a chance to write a full one for.

These are Graphic Policy’s Mini Reviews and Recommendations.


Trve Kvlt #1 (IDW Publishing) – Scott Bryan Wilson, Liana Kangas, and Gab Contreras explore the fantasy of making some money via robbery to escape your dead end job in Trve Kvlt #1. The story is told from assistant manager Marty’s POV, who has been at Burger Lord for 15 years ever since he wanted to make some extra scratch to buy tapes as a teenager. The restaurant has supportive co-workers, but abusive management and customers so it’s no wonder he’s robs 8 strip mall stores on his lunch break. However, Wilson and Kangas show the foolishness of this plan almost immediately with the heat getting put on him before the first issue even wraps up. Contreras’ color palette is the unsung hero of the issue showing the stress of the crime to using a softer palette for a new, idealist co-worker and finally faded nostalgia for Marty’s youth. Trve Kvlt #1 is a greasy, engaging crime yarn with a side of “Hail Satan”. Overall: 8.7 Verdict: Buy

Barbaric: Axe to Grind #1 (Vault) – Barbaric is back with vampires, giants, and sea monsters to boot as well as emotional damage. After rescuing his old barbarian buddy Steel from the thrall of giant vampires, Owen, Axe, and Soren begin an epic journey to defeat Gladius, a figure so evil that Owen refuses to talk about him. Michael Moreci’s script is humorous, especially when Axe interacts with different kinds of blood and gets drunk or “hungover”, but there’s a little heart too, especially in Owen and Steel’s interactions. They’ve been through some shit. Barbaric is an ultraviolent, darkly humorous take on the fantasy genre, and sticks the landing on its return issue, especially in its messy Nate Gooden drawn fight sequence. Overall: 8.2 Verdict: Buy


Daredevil #2 (Marvel) – There’s some major changes and revelations in this issue that changes a lot of Daredevil’s history and what has driven him. There’s multiple forces that have been manipulating him apparently with a possibility of the divine. There’s a bit of a reminder of the Punisher being an avenging angel but the story just veers towards it and fortunately doesn’t quite cross it. It’s an interesting addition that could add a lot to religious themes of the character. The art is of course amazing. It’s a celebration issue and the backup stories are a fun read. Overall, an intriguing issue that celebrates a big number for the series but doesn’t overdo that aspect. The only knock is an art shift in the main story that feels like a bit of a jolt before it’s clear what’s going on. Overall: 8.0 Verdict: Buy

Savage Avengers #4 (Marvel) – The heroes are still stuck on the past with Deathlok struggling with its reality. With the revelation this Deathlok is an aged Miles Morales we get the how of it all and witness the heroes final act. It’s a hell of an issue and possible future that should have folks talking about the series. Writer David Pepose is known for remixing concepts and he’s done it with this series and two well established characters and makes it look smooth. And is it the death of Conan the Barbarian!? Is this how he’s written out of Marvel comics!? Add in solid art and this has been a fun series that’s probably not on enough radars. Overall: 8.0 Verdict: Buy

Well, there you have it, folks. The reviews we didn’t quite get a chance to write. See you next week!

Please note that with some of the above comics, Graphic Policy was provided FREE copies for review. Where we purchased the comics, you’ll see an asterisk (*). If you don’t see that, you can infer the comic was a review copy. In cases where we were provided a review copy and we also purchased the comic you’ll see two asterisks (**).

Source: Graphic Policy

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