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HomeComic BooksReview: Dark Crisis #3

Review: Dark Crisis #3

Dark Crisis #3

I’ve been a bit down on Dark Crisis so far. While the concept is interesting, the event has been a bit of a slow roll in getting to the point. Add in the fact it’s been clearly dancing around it’s exact tie-ins, the series has functioned like it’s had an arm tied behind its back. Now that it’s clear this is a follow up to Crisis on Infinite Earths, Dark Crisis #3 gets things moving as three major plotlines are followed and all feel like there’s some significant movement.

Written by Joshua Williamson, this event has the heroes of the world gone. The Justice League has been “killed”, really imprisoned by Pariah. Pariah wants to bring back the multiverse while “the darkness” has other plans. There’s some head scratching here as I thought the multiverse was already recreated but we’ll shelve that aspect, as much as a glaring question and distraction it might be.

Dark Crisis #3 has the remaining heroes in disarray. Deathstroke has broken them and scared them. The new Justice League has faltered as there’s no direction and disagreement of what must be done. Deathstroke on the other hand is losing his mind having to instigate a “crisis”. But isn’t the heroes gone and Young Justice missing a crisis? Another head scratcher. But more interesting is Hal Jordon leading the Green Lantern Corp. against what they think is there enemy. There we get some action and some answers as to where the fallen heroes are.

It’s all entertaining and the issue feels less reliant on DC continuity but overall, the issue doesn’t feel like it stands completely on its own. It’s better in that sense but it’s a piece of the bigger puzzle and until that puzzle becomes clearer the enjoyment of the issue is a little hampered. That’s ok, this is an event and massive story.

The art by Daniel Sampere is good. With ink by Sampere, Daniel Henriques, and Danny Miki, color by Alejandro Sanchez, and lettering by Tom Napolitano, the comic looks really good. There’s so many characters packed in and they all look good. And, we finally get some memorable visuals! The series has been lacking that in some ways and we get two moments that really stand out and leave you lingering on the page to catch everything going on.

Dark Crisis #3 is an improvement I think. The series is getting going as we see the various narratives play out. Still, this is an event where it feels like the individual issues won’t stand out as much as the story as a whole. We’ll see if that’s true as it continues but so far, improvement is good.

Story: Joshua Williamson Art: Daniel Sampere
Ink: Daniel Sampere, Daniel Henriques, Danny Miki Color: Alejandro Sánchez Letterer: Tom Napolitano
Story: 7.75 Art: 8.25 Overall: 7.9 Recommendation: Read

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: TFAWZeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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