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HomeComic BooksReview: The Variants #2

Review: The Variants #2

The Variants #2

Two issues. Two fantastic reads. The Variants is top notch comics leaving readers guessing where it’s all going. Jessica Jones might have a ticking time bomb in her head. The Purple Man may have implanted something that after 10 years she’ll be under his control again and hurt those around her, possible killing her family. To add to the problem, variants from across the multiverse have shown up. Why? We’re not quite sure. The Variants #2, though, is a fantastic second issue that dives deeper into the mindfuck that is this series.

Written by Gail Simone, I finished the first issue wondering if the various Jessicas were even real. This issue answers that question and then some as she confronts what’s in front of her. But, beyond the action, we get a person, a mother, a superhero, a woman, who is spiraling. She’s worried for so many reasons. What she has built, the things she cares about the most, are in danger, and she’s scared of what she might do. Could she hurt look and their daughter? Is she guaranteed to bring doom? There’s so much there and the issue feels like the worry I as a parent have had. Will I fail as a father? Will I fail my wife and daughter? The fact Dani is the about the same age and going through the same things as my own, the issue hit a little close as well.

The art by Cory Petit is fantastic as usual. The character look great and the subtle differences between the Jessicas is the chef’s kiss. Add in some really emotional hits as to what may happen and is happening and this a comic that brings it all. There’s action, there’s drama, there’s humor. Petit’s art nails it all to drive the wild rollercoaster that is this issue.

The Variants #2 is another fantastic issue. The series is amazing so far and I have no idea what’s happening next. If you’re a fan of mysteries, drama, or Jessica Jones, this is one that’s not to be missed.

Story: Gail Simone Art: Phil Noto Letterer: Cory Petit
Story: 8.5 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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