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HomeComic BooksReview: Task Force Z #10

Review: Task Force Z #10

Task Force Z #10

I feel like I’ve said it with every review by Task Force Z shouldn’t be this good. A series about “zombie” versions of villains brought back to life for a new type of Suicide Squad sounds like such a silly concept. But, it works. It works really well. Led by Jason Todd, the characters in the series have been all over in being b-list, c-list, and d-list, but they’ve all brought a sense of fun. Task Force Z #10 is an interesting issue as the curtain is pulled back to reveal a hell of a lot of secrets including the secret of Bane and one major character reveal beyond that.

Written by Matthew Rosenberg, the series as a whole has done a fantastic balance of mixing horror and the superhero genre. It’s found a balance in the plots, characters, details, and look of the series. This issue is a prime example as wild experiments are performed, the dead rise, brains transferred… it’s a lot to take in. Add in Mr. Bloom attacking and you have an issue packed with what has made this a really fun series.

The biggest thing are those reveals. What Mr. Bloom has been up to and how he did it are explained. The exact why and what is the goal is still a little out there but the issue has a mad scientist vibe about it all. It’s wildly fun and feels like a perfect B-movie to watch on a Sunday afternoon. It even has a host in a costume in a way with Mr. Bloom who takes center stage with the issue.

The art by Eddy Barrows helps it all. With color by Adriano Lucas, ink by Eber Ferreira, and lettering by Rob Leigh, the art does a fine balance. It’d be very easy for the series to lean heavily into its horror aspects making the characters and settings themselves such a part of the story. Instead, the comic has bodies that are clearly rotting and falling apart, hints as to what’s going on, but a solid superhero base to it all. The comic has a color/look that feels a bit like classic horror comics but the settings and characters keep their superhero roots. It’s impressive work and fun to see these corrupted characters and the small details added to make them that way.

Task Force Z #10 is an issue readers have been waiting for. It’s full of reveals and answers some questions. The end is definitely unexpected and a bit of a surprise. For those that have been reading up to this point, this one’s a hell of a lot of fun. For those missing out on the series, it’s one you’ll want to go back and read from the beginning.

Story: Matthew Rosenberg Art: Eddy Barrows
Inks: Eber Ferreira Color: Adriano Lucas Letterer: Rob Leigh
Story: 8.4 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.45 Recommendation: Buy

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: TFAWZeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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