July 21, 2022 by Polar_Bear
Era of Kingdoms, the kingdom-building game, is up on Kickstarter looking to get itself a new edition. They’re also adding in a new expansion called Inquisition. You can check out both of these boxes in the campaign.
From the campaign:
Era of Kingdoms is a quick-playing kingdom building game that will leave you wanting to play again. Build your kingdom from fields to vineyards, appoint key leaders, and use powerful event cards to lead your kingdom to victory. Free base game errata included in the expansion!
This expansion will become an always-include when playing, and is well designed enough to be included for first-time players.
Era of Kingdoms: Inquisition is the highly anticipated expansion to Era of Kingdoms. This quick playing strategy game gets a major upgrade packed with upgraded strategy, new interactions, and new playstyles.
The campaign’s up and over its funding goal with 26 days left to go.
Source: Tabletop Gaming News