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HomeGamesWhen the Wolf Comes Vikingverse RPG Up On Kickstarter

When the Wolf Comes Vikingverse RPG Up On Kickstarter

July 13, 2022 by Polar_Bear

In the end times, Fenrir will come and initiate Ragnarok. It’s into this tumultuous time that you find yourself in When the Wolf Comes, a new RPG book up on Kickstarter set in the Vikingverse and utilizing the Shadow of the Demon Lord rules system.

From the campaign:

When The Wolf Comes is a game of storytelling, heroism, and epic struggle set during a reimagined Norse End of Days – and powered by Robert J. Schwalb’s Shadow of the Demon Lord system. 

A complete tabletop role playing game in one (approx) 250 page, 8.5″ x 11″ hardcover book, When The Wolf Comes provides everything you need to create and play characters, form warbands in pursuit of fame and plunder, and tell sci-fi sagas with your friends. The book also gives Game Masters all the tools they need to create adventures, a bestiary full of deadly creatures, a detailed history of the Níu Heimar, and extensive advice to help run the game. 

The campaign’s up and over its funding goal with 29 days left to go.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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