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HomeComic BooksReview: The Variants #1

Review: The Variants #1

The Variants #1

The multiverse is pretty in right now. Variations on characters feel like they’re as common now as drops of water in an ocean. When one falls out of favor, another is there to take its place. Comics, film, it’s the current zeitgeist of superhero comics. Sometimes the concept works delivering new takes on classic characters that are different enough to be interesting. Other times, it comes off as a one-note joke stretched over 22 pages. It’s so played out there’s already spoofs and homages of the entire concept… and variants of those spoofs and homages. It’s been flogged to death it feels like, but, even with the deluge of infinite possibilities, every once in a while something stands out and surprises you. The Variants #1 does exactly that. Its concept leaves the reader guessing what’s reality and what’s trauma resurfacing.

Written by Gail Simone, The Variants #1 kicks off an intriguing story featuring Jessica Jones. Plagued by headaches and blacking out, something is clearly off. But, what? That’s at the center of the debut issue and Simone delivers it all in a way to leave them wondering what they can trust.

The comic spins off of Jessica’s trauma from years ago at the hand of Killgrave. Back then, she was controlled by the villain and made to do things, a puppet to her puppet master. A decade later, there’s hints there may be lingering effects and what Jessica is experiencing now is tied to those events earlier in her life. What can she trust and is she seeing reality or is this all part of Killgrave’s mindf#@k? We’re left to guess with this first issue and I honestly have no idea what the answer is to all of that.

Simone’s talented script is brought to life by Phil Noto with lettering by Cory Petit. The comic’s visuals are fantastic keeping readers on their toes. It’s mostly a “slice of life” type comic featuring Jessica shopping for lipstick or getting coffee but it all delivers an ominous feel about it. Through the colors and in each moment, you’re waiting for the bottom to drop out. The cheery sun hides something lurking. Noto’s art nails that feeling and teases the reader as the issue continues on. Noto is a master of the detail in this issue with a facial expression and some body language telling you everything you need to know. No words, just a look.

The Variants #1 is an excellent debut that’ll leave you guessing as to what is reality and what’s not. Is this leading to some multiversal adventure or is this Jessica breaking from reality? Simone delivers teases and you’ll want to come back for more by the end of the issue. Just when you think a concept of infinite possibilities can’t deliver anything new, this creative team surprises us and does exactly that.

Story: Gail Simone Art: Phil Noto Letterer: Cory Petit
Story: 8.5 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXology/KindleZeus ComicsTFAW

Source: Graphic Policy

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