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HomeComic BooksReview: DC vs. Vampires: Killers

Review: DC vs. Vampires: Killers

DC vs. Vampires: Killers

While we wait for the main series to return, DC vs. Vampires has been getting a series of one-shots to fill in the time, and expand the story. When I think of one-shots to a mini-series or event, I tend to have a negative opinion. The often feel like filler looking to cash in on a character or group. DC vs. Vampires‘ two releases break that mold. They are vital to the main story expanding on the world and setting up what’s to come. DC vs. Vampires: Killers is the second release delivering a glimmer of hope for the darkened world.

Written by Matthew Rosenberg, the one-shots have done a great job of expanding the miniseries event. They focus in on a specific aspect or character shifting the story from what was being told. If they were included in the main series, they’d feel like too much of a break and the flow of the series would suffer. As one-shots, that’s avoided though they fill in the gap as we wait for the series to return.

Harley Quinn has a crew of her own, now the crime boss of the vampire controlled Gotham. She’s presented an opportunity to smuggle out a glimmer of hope for humanity and must make a decision as to what to do.

Rosenberg, like the previous one-shot focused on Damian, creates another amazing chapter of the series. Like that other comic, this one is also pretty vital if you’ve been reading the main series. It gives us what’s likely to be part of the end game for the series and is our first bit of hope that the vampires might be able to be defeated. Like the main series, it keeps readers on their toes, guessing what will happen next and who has been turned into a vampire. But, even with that rather gloomy setting, Rosenberg find the humor in Harley as she does what she usually does.

The art by Mike Bowden and Eduardo Mello is great. It captures the kinetic energy that is Harley Quinn while keeping a look that fits nicely with the main series. They’re joined by Le Beau Underood and Livesay, with Bowden and Mello, on inks, Antonio Fabela on color, and Troy Peteri handles lettering. The comic’s visuals are top notch matching the quality of the series as a whole. There’s some great physical and visual humor to go along with Rosenberg’s, at times, snappy dialogue. To see the fate of Clayface and where that goes and not laugh is difficult. Without the visuals, it just wouldn’t play well at all.

DC vs. Vampires: Killers is a solid addition to the event. It’s another key comic and part of the story that just wouldn’t fit well in the main series. It’s a must for those already reading the series and might get those not interested in checking it out.

Story: Matthew Rosenberg Art: Mike Bowden, Eduardo Mello
Ink: Le Beau Underwood, Livesay, Mike Bowden, Eduardo Mello
Color: Antonio Fabela Letterer: Troy Peteri
Story: 8.0 Art: 8.0 Overall: 8.0 Recommendation: Buy

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXology/KindleZeus ComicsTFAW

Source: Graphic Policy

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