Here is a list of issues related to GO Battle League that are currently being investigated by our engineering team. This list will be updated regularly, and issues will be added and removed as they are discovered and resolved. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of all issues we are aware of or working to fix. You can find the list of known issues unrelated to GO Battle League here.
To report a bug that isn’t listed here, or get one on one support, please submit a ticket in-app under the Settings menu, or see our article on how to best contact us for different issues.
Last updated: June 3, 2022
Fast Move Leak
Issue description: If a Fast Move finishes at the same time as a Charge Move begins, an additional Fast Move can occasionally be performed. At the same time, the Charge Move may appear to start late.
Issue status: Resolved in 0.233.

Start of Battles Desync
Issue description: Upon starting Trainer Battles, the game will sometimes not accept any input from the Trainer.
Issue status: Mitigated in 0.233.  Being monitored for further instances.

Disappearing Charge Move and Pokémon Switch Menus
Issue description: Charge Move and Switch buttons may occasionally disappear and players will be unable to take any actions in battle.
Issue status: Mitigated in 0.235.

Minimum Charge Move Damage Inconsistencies
Issue description: If the server fails to recognize the results of an attacker’s Charge Move, damage is dealt as if a shield was used.
Issue status: Mitigated in 0.235.  Further fixes under investigation.

Fast Move Duration Inconsistencies
Issue description: Fast Moves will sometimes take longer than expected to perform.
Issue status: Mitigated in release 0.233. Resolved in release 0.235.

Inconsistent Fast Move Damage on Switch
Issue description: When a switch happens at the end of a Fast Move, damage is applied inconsistently to either of the swapped Pokemon.
Issue status: Resolved in 0.239.

Inconsistent Post Minigame Fast Move Damage
Issue description: If a Fast Move is completed during a Charge Move, damage is applied at an inconsistent time after the Charge Move is complete.
Issue status: Resolved in 0.239.

Defensive Minigame Loop
Issue description: Defenders in a Charge Move can sometimes see the Protect Shield selection screen multiple times causing looped Charge Moves.
Issue status: Resolved in 0.239.

Switch Overlay Inconsistency
Issue description: In certain scenarios, the Pokémon switch menu will cover the Charge Move buttons, preventing Trainers from using Charge Moves. The switch overlay may also not appear correctly when a Pokemon faints.
Issue status: Resolved in 0.241.

Protect Shield Display Inaccuracy
Issue description: Protect Shield animation will still play even if a Protect Shield fails.
Issue status: Mitigated in 0.243.

Protect Shield Failure
Issue description: Protect shields may sometimes not work.
Issue status: Mitigated in 0.243.  Further improvements under investigation.

Post Charge Move Desync
Issue description: After a Charge Move, one Trainer can sometimes act before their opponent is able to.
Issue status: Mitigated in 0.237 and 0.239.  Resolved in 0.241.

Fast Move Clipping
Issue description: Fast Moves can inconsistently be started at the same time as a Charge Move.  Trainers should be able to consistently start a Fast Move at the same time as a Charge Move.
Issue status: Resolved in 0.241.

Battle Start White Screen
Issue description: At the beginning of a battle, Trainers may sometimes see a white screen that prevents them from starting the battle.
Issue status: Resolved in 0.241.

Battle Result Tracking Inconsistency
Issue description: In rare situations, a battle’s result may not record correctly in the Trainer’s Journal and GO Battle Leagues Win Track.
Issue status: Resolved in 0.241.