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HomeToysNECA: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mousers Review

NECA: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mousers Review

I must have re-read the old Baxter Stockman issues of the original TMNT book a hundred times when I was a kid, so I have a real soft spot for the Mousers. They do show up in most iterations of the TMNT, but interestingly, they don’t play much of a role in the ’87 toon. Fortunately, showing up only once is enough for this line and we got a mouser army pack. Let’s take a look!

The packaging on this set is a little different since the box is smaller, but it fits the style of the line perfectly.

The pack comes with seven mousers (four clean and three battle damaged) 6.5 mice, a piece of cheese, a video-cassette, a piece of pizza, and a spy-fly robot.

The little robot-copter is used in the episode by Shredder to find new technology to defeat the Turtles. It’s a super tiny little slug figure, so I’m impressed at how sharp the paint is. The video cassette looks like the one that came with Ace Ducke, the Pizza slice we’ve seen a few times, and I think the rat is a repaint of the rat from the Splinter set. It’s fun stuff to populate dioramas. I think the cheese is new and it fits nicely in the rat’s hands.

The rats look like ones we’ve seen with rat king, so three of them are designed to sit on a figure or wrap their tails around an arm. There are two that sit plainly on the floor and there is a little rat head that can go in the hole of one of the battle damaged mousers.

The four clean mousers have a very sleek look that matches the cartoon version of the mousers well. I especially like the bit of detail on the inside of the jaw.

The battle damaged mousers are in different states of disrepair. One is mostly intact except it has a dented up head, one has been torn into three pieces, and one is missing a leg and designed to lie flat. There is a hole in that one where you can add the little rat peeking out. I really like the exposed wires on the torn apart version

The articulation is very nice for such a little tiny figure with a hinged head with articulated jaw, ball joint where the neck attaches to the body, swivel thighs, and hinged knees and ankles. The ball joint can pop out, so I was able to move the severed neck on the damaged mouser to the non-damaged body.

The battle damaged mousers retain this articulation and have a hole in the top for handy sai piercing.

Paint is pretty minimal on these guys, they are mostly white with some gray accents. I think that matches the toon, though I could see adding a couple of squiggly shine lines, similar to some of the metallic effect on Fugitoid.

Overall, this is a super fun little army builder set. I only picked up two when they went up for pre-order and I feel like that’s a nice sized army and a good amount of extra rats for the Rat King to hang with. I think a third pack would probably be ideal for my army building needs, but the price did give me a bit of a pause at $40. With everything going up in cost, I do feel like I have to cut back a bit on army building.

Source: Fwoosh

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