Sunday, October 6, 2024
HomeComic BooksReview: Archer & Armstrong Forever #2

Review: Archer & Armstrong Forever #2

Archer & Armstrong Forever #2

The triumphant return of Valiant’s best besties!

With Armstrong more mortal than ever, it’s up to Archer to find the secrets of immortality. One of history’s myths has to be true…right? Their quest will take them across the globe, from the Fountain of Youth to mythical creatures, with the deadly Maw in hot pursuit.

Archer & Armstrong Forever is quickly becoming one of my most anticipated comics each month. For two issues running, I’ve closed the PDF with a genuine smile on my face because this book is just doing everything right. Valiant’s editorial have kept the same sense of familiarity to the characters, keeping the sense of who they are consistent across the three volumes we’ve had since the relaunch a decade ago. There’s a genuine enjoyment to be taken from this series, and the comic’s humour works because of the story and how it’s implemented; rather than forcing a joke in, writer Steve Foxe allows the jokes to flow into the story in the most natural of ways.

Foxe is joined on the book by artist Marcio Fiorito, colourist Alex Guimaraes and letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou – a creative team that hit all the right notes.

Archer & Armstrong Forever #2 follows, in a rather time-skippy way, the duo’s journey to try and restore Armstrong’s immortality (not quite against Armstrong’s will, but he’s certainly accepted his newfound mortality better than his best friend). You’ll get several little laughs thrown into the pages, both visual and verbal, as the duo check the boxes on their to-do list, giving the comic a not-quite-montage, not-quite-road-trip, but yet a blend of the two kind of feeling. It’s a story that excels in comic form, and I don’t think would work in any other format.

I’ve enjoyed the first two issues of this series immensely, and in more ways than one it’s like coming home to visit an old friend.

Story: Steve Foxe Artist: Marcio Fiorito
Colourist Alex Guimaraes Letters Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Story: 8.9 Art: 9.0 Overall: 8.9 Recommendation: Buy

Valiant provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXology/KindleZeus ComicsTFAW

Source: Graphic Policy

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