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HomeGamesGames Workshop Previews Plastic Leviathan Siege Dreadnaught Kit

Games Workshop Previews Plastic Leviathan Siege Dreadnaught Kit

June 03, 2022 by Polar_Bear

Usually, it’s the Orks that are accused of being the “more dakka!!” faction, but the Adeptus Astartes certainly know how to pack the guns on a platform. Just check out the upcoming plastic Leviathan Siege Dreadnaught to see what I’m talking about.

From the article:

Pre-orders for the new edition of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy open this very Saturday, and anticipation is reaching fever pitch. As if all the updated rules marching out of the Emperor’s labs weren’t enough, there are so many detailed and versatile new plastic kits in store that you’d need genetically augmented supersoldier senses just to be able to process it all.

Allow us to fry your overloaded neurons just that little bit more with yet another kit crossing the Resin Rubicon – the Leviathan Siege Dreadnought, coming to plastic.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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