Wednesday, March 5, 2025
HomeComic BooksReview: Star Trek: Discovery – Adventures in the 32nd Century #2

Review: Star Trek: Discovery – Adventures in the 32nd Century #2

Star Trek: Discovery – Adventures in the 32nd Century #2

I have professed on here how much I love Star Trek. As the franchise usually leans very much into the cerebral  type of science fiction that I have always loved. It was not only philosophical but spiritual on many levels.  Of us better by challenging and questioning our belief systems.

That is why each series was revolutionary, as it showed evolution in thought is possible as long as you are open to it. One of them being Deep Space Nine, which had the first Black Captain and did not actually take place on a ship. it also was  the first time a species changed in the franchise, from the first appearance of the Trill on ST:TNG, it was because of actress, Terry Farrell, that they looked to make the alien race, more palatable. In Star Trek: Discovery – Adventures in the 32nd Century #2 we catch up with  Discovery’s own Trill, Adira, and Gray, and just how their epic story started.

We find Adira and Grey, as they reminisce about life before the “Burn”,  before they get to  the Discovery ,when Adira had a promising Starfleet career, and this new life only gives them doubt. As the two get into some mischief, they run into their superior. Admiral Senna Tal, who also is a Trill, who offers Gray, some life changing news. The find out that he is dying and he has asked Gray to be his host, and life was getting better until a san asteroid destroyed the ship and lefty Adira, physically alone. By the issue’s end, Adira finds their way back to Gray, reuniting their love of a lifetime.

Overall, Star Trek: Discovery – Adventures in the 32nd Century #2 is a beautiful love story in the Star Trek Universe. The story by Johnson and Beyer is enjoyable. The art by the creative team is stunning. Altogether, a fun back story that shows how love endures.  

Story: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer Art: Angel Hernandez
Color: JD Mettler Letterer: Neil Uyetake
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

IDW Publishing provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXology/KindleZeus Comics

Source: Graphic Policy

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