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HomeGamesPrivateer Press Previews Orgoth Warcasters

Privateer Press Previews Orgoth Warcasters

April 08, 2022 by Polar_Bear

The Orgoth, the scourge of Western Immoren, are making their way back. In this preview for the new faction for Warmachine, we get a look at two of their Warcasters that will be hitting the fields.

A savage warlord inhabited by a reckless and renowned spirit from darkest antiquity, Horruskh is among the most formidable warriors in the Orgoth host. Inarguably the scion of an unbroken chain of ruthless conquerors, Horruskh has lived a thousand lives that appear to him in broken dreams, driving his ambition and propelling him headlong into every fresh slaughter and atrocity. It is only through such terrifying acts that he can draw the attention of the Fellgoeth and gather the souls necessary to barter his way from the darkness of the Outer Abyss. And when he first laid eyes on the shores of Immoren, Horruskh knew he had been here before and had made the continent bleed. If Sabbreth is the architect of the Orgoth invasion, then Horruskh, The Thousand Wraths, is its unbreakable spirit.

A fearsome living legend even among her equally vicious people, Sabbreth has come to be known as The Eternal Annihilation because to face her is to face utter oblivion. A Matron Tenebrous on the Path of the Reaper, this warcaster is one of the deadliest warriors ever to rise from the ranks of the warwitches. Of humble origins, her soul has only lived a scant number of lives, belying her dark influence over the history of her people. She was said to have taken part in the grim insurrection that lifted the warwitches to power over the Orgoth generations ago. But in this current incarnation, she chose the warrior’s path and set about carving a trail of hell-wrought glory. With her people hungry for vengeance and reaching the apex of their power, it was Sabbreth, along with her fell sisters, who laid out the plan for the Orgoth invasion of Immoren and it was Sabbreth whom they chose to lead it.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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