Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeComic BooksReview: Spider-Punk #1

Review: Spider-Punk #1

Spider-Punk #1

Punk, to me, is a left leaning “liberal” philosophy. It has disdain for authority, especially fascist stances. It’s welcoming to people of all types and at it’s heart is about letting individuals express themselves as how they see fit. Rigidity is not a pillar, there’s a liberalism about it in many aspects. Spider-Punk #1 wears that on its sleeve and then some with a debut that literally punches Nazis in the face.

Written by Cody Ziglar, the miniseries focuses on the punk rock version of Spider-Man who’d rather swing a guitar upside someone’s head as much as goop them up with webbing. The entire world’s heroes take a punk rock spin to them as Captain America is instead Captain Anarchy, helping take down the corporatists and fascists. The first issue has them taking on Kraven and the Hunters who have been hired to bring down the value of the neighborhood so it can be bought up and redeveloped. They’re fighting gentrification.

Ziglar does an amazing job of playing up the concept of it all both poking fun and having fun with the overall concept. This isn’t making fun of the left or right but at the same time lampoons them a bit, exaggerating things for a positive effect. Ziglar has fun with the world and it comes off that way.

The punk rock aesthetic is enhance by Justin Mason‘s art who is joined by Jim Charalampidis on color and Travis Lanham on lettering. It all comes together for a comic that takes on the “art style” one might expect from the punk rock scene but not also overdoing it. There’s some really solid panels, a few I’d love to blow up and put on a desktop or event print out. The art, the color, the lettering, it all matches the feel the comic is going for.

Yeah, there’s something ironic about a giant corporation that’s owned by another that’s very not punk putting out this comic. Still, Spider-Punk #1 is just a hell of a lot of fun. It leans into the concept without overdoing it and going up near the line of making fun of its punk world but never crossing it. It’s popcorn entertainment with a bit of a left message to absorb.

Story: Cody Ziglar Art: Justin Mason
Color: Jim Charalampidis Letterer: Travis Lanham
Story: 8.25 Art: 8.25 Overall: 8.25 Recommendation: Buy

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXology/KindleZeus Comics

Source: Graphic Policy

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