Image and Skybound have debuted an electrifying new trailer for the upcoming Skybound Comet release Everyday Hero Machine Boy, the all-new Middle Grade original graphic novel from rising star voices Tri Vuong and Irma Kniivila.
The trailer grants an all-new sneak preview of the eponymous hero as he tries to save his city, survive high school, and eat copious amounts of spaghetti, all while attempting to override his programming. Set against an 8-bit paradise, Everyday Hero Machine Boy is the heartwarmingly cool story that will inspire you to activate your heart and be an everyday hero.
Everyday Hero Machine Boy (Diamond Code MAY218589, ISBN: 978-1-5343-2130-4) will be available at comic book shops and digital platforms including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play on Wednesday, September 7 and everywhere books are sold on Tuesday, September 13.
Source: Graphic Policy