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HomeComic BooksBoom! StudiosReview: Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1

Review: Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1

Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1

It really was only a matter of time before these two properties came together for a story. Godzilla and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, they might not seem like they would go together but it kind of works. The Power Rangers regularly fight giant monsters in their Zords and Godzilla is a giant monster. It might all sound rather silly but Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1 generally works though is a bit predictable in the setup.

Let’s face it, the debut issue needs to set everything up and leave us with these two forces meeting somehow. And, it does that and then some. Written by Cullen Bunn, we’re taken through the macguffin that transports the Rangers to Godzilla’s world and gives us just enough of a plot to appreciate the titanic battle that’s to come.

The Rangers are transported to a different world where Godzilla is doing its thing and Rita Repulsa wants to take over. That’s pretty much the plot. It has the expected heroes battling it out as a misunderstanding and sure to team up later. But, Bunn is a solid writer so maybe we get something a bit more than that in the future issues. But, that misunderstanding is entertaining.

It’s the Green Ranger and his Dragonzord taking on Godzilla in a battle that really could have been an entire comic. And, it’d have been pretty entertaining. The expected battle works and works pretty well though overall feels a little short. It does have the moments you’d hope for where it feels like a brutal battle but also has that slightly sanitized feel of the Power Rangers television show.

Freddie Williams II‘s art helps with that with a style that delivers pop sensation through it all. With Andrew Dalhouse on color and Johanna Nattalie on lettering the comic features Williams’ distinct style. I myself both like and dislike it honestly. There’s moments where a panel or page look really great and then others the overall look and coloring isn’t my thing. It’s not this comic where this has happened, it’s Williams’ overall style that I’m a bit mixed on. Still, he captures everything really well with a lot of tropes as far as stances of our heroes and the blending of the Power Rangers cleaner style with the destroyed world of Godzilla is smooth.

Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1 is an entertaining debut. It has the moments you want and will get fans of the properties excited for what comes next. It’s also rather predictable in the beats it hits. Hopefully, what’s to come is a bit less so.

Story: Cullen Bunn Art: Freddie Williams II
Color: Andrew Dalhouse Letterer: Johanna Nattalie
Story: 7.0 Art: 7.0 Overall: 7.0 Recommendation: Read

IDW Publishing provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXology/KindleZeus ComicsTFAW

Source: Graphic Policy

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