Seven Seas, which publishes original graphic novels as well as manga, has announced a new middle-grade series with elements of magical-school stories, video games, and RPGs: Dungeon Crawlers Academy, by J.P. Sullivan and Elmer Damaso. Four children find a portal to a world of monsters and magic, but only children can get through the portal. With this fantasy world off-limits to adults, kids train to be adventurers at Dungeon Crawler Academy so they can explore the dungeon and bring back treasures. The newest student is Nathan, who joins the academy after a harrowing encounter with a tiny dragon and now has to navigate both the world of swords and sorcery and the world of school and real life.
Dungeon Crawlers Academy Book 1: Into the Portal will be a 264-page, full color paperback, rated for ages 9-12 years and scheduled for release on July 26 with an MSRP of $13.99.
Seven Seas recently announced a number of new manga titles (see “Seven Seas Licenses ‘Spriggan,’ ‘Yokohama Shopping Log’ Manga“)
Source: ICv2