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HomeGamesGames Workshop Previews New Avatar for 40k

Games Workshop Previews New Avatar for 40k

January 27, 2022 by Polar_Bear

The Avatar of Khaine has been a staple of Eldar armies since there have been Eldar armies. And with the entire faction getting a bit of a facelift, this iconic mini is getting one as well. Get a look at the new mini in this preview.

From the article:

Some of you may have noticed that the gigantic new Avatar of Khaine has woken from his slumber a little early. Who knew that a rage-fuelled construct of molten metal could be so feisty?

This incandescent entity has so far only been glimpsed by crummy cameras that were not meant to contain his godlike glory, but thankfully the photo wizards at Warhammer Community have been able to capture him at his blazing best.

There are plenty of other Aeldari secrets still to reveal – not to mention a gargantuan slate of other announcements. So join us on the Las Vegas Open livestream tomorrow on the Warhammer Twitch channel at 10pm PST on Thursday the 27th of January (that’s 6am GMT on Friday the 28th). 

You can also catch up on it all immediately afterwards on the Warhammer Community site for all the reveals – including many more pictures of this red-hot hunk of doom. We promise they’ll be taken on proper cameras.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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