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HomeGamesPrivateer Press Explores Developing the Orgoth

Privateer Press Explores Developing the Orgoth

December 22, 2021 by Polar_Bear

The Orgoth have been the boogeymen of the Iron Kingdoms since the beginning. And now, they’re back. What does that mean for Warmachine and Hordes? Well, we get a little introduction into the development of the army in this preview from Privateer Press.

From the article:

The Orgoth are an oppressive and mighty force, and capturing their intensity on the tabletop is a task not approached lightly. As the Product Development Manager at Privateer Press, I’d like to take this opportunity to cast light on some of the shadows, including myself, the Orgoth, and our often equally shrouded development process as we prepare our next exciting Faction for WARMACHINE. I can’t give it all away just yet, but I can at least offer a taste of what’s to come.

I’ve worked with Privateer for almost 10 years now, fulfilling myriad roles. While here, I’ve been involved in a wide breadth of positions within the company. While managing different departments and wearing several hats, I’d often also be in the trenches, helping out on fulfillment of special projects like Kickstarters to reduce their impact on our daily operations. Previously, my community interaction has been mostly limited to poorly written notes on mystery boxes and store orders. I currently try to lend a more holistic perspective that’s informed on the entire process of creating miniatures to the development crew. In my time at Privateer, I’ve cultivated a team with a culture of camaraderie and commitment to making great games—by gamers for gamers. Over the past decade, I’ve worked with many incarnations of our development team as we’ve evolved and learned from many diverse and thoughtful perspectives how best to tackle a new Faction with its own distinct identity. Our philosophy encompasses not only making a tight and balanced Faction but also making it exciting and rewarding to play, all while being true to its core concept.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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