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HomeComic BooksBoom! StudiosReview: Getting Dizzy #1

Review: Getting Dizzy #1

Getting Dizzy #1

Dizzy wants to be the best! But in the case of everything she’s tried, including roller skating, this teen has only been able to achieve one thing — disaster. Just when she is ready to pack it in, everything changes when the Negatrixes attack, forcing her to take up the mantle of ‘Burb Defender! Getting Dizzy #1 is part magical girl and part superhero and really fun and cute. It’s a debut that’s hard to not enjoy that features a heroine you want to cheer for, mostly because she feels like the dorky mess we all are.

Written by Shea Fontana, we get a lead in Dizzy that’s just not good at… well… pretty much everything. She’s a mess of a person who constantly fails in her activities and sits in chocolate. She’s a lovable “loser” who through fate has to become a hero. But, what Fontana does that’s great is she’s still a mess of a hero. She doesn’t know how her powers and equipment works and smashes into friends while skating around. She gets her abilities and new role and doesn’t automatically get excellence. She’s going to have to work for it. And there’s something very endearing about that. It makes the comic more relatable and Dizzy a hero we want to cheer for because she’s a little bit like us all.

The art by Celia Moscote is fantastic perfectly capturing the tone of the comic. It has that mix of magic, humor, and action, and that’s helped with Natalia Nesterenko‘s colors. Jim Campbell‘s lettering too is key giving a greater personality to the evil Negatrixes through the lettering style. There’s just something about what this trio brings to the style of the comic. Anything else and the comic wouldn’t nail down its fun and goofy tone. And that tone is such a good thing. There’s a lacking of heroes who stumble stories out there and this hopefully will fill that gap delivering action and laughs.

Getting Dizzy #1 is a solid debut. It’s one of those comics that put a smile on your face with its goofy premise that has some great roots. There’s a bit of video game fun, superhero escapades, and pratfalls. It all comes together perfectly. There’s a lot hinted at in this debut and I’m excited to see where it all goes from here speeding on its roller skates to awesome.

Story: Shea Fontana Art: Celia Moscote
Color: Natalia Nesterenko Letterer: Jim Campbell
Story: 7.95 Art: 7.95 Overall: 7.95 Recommendation: Buy

BOOM! Studios provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXologyKindleZeus Comics

Source: Graphic Policy

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