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The Doctor DC Podcast
@DoctorDCNov 08
Cast those votes! Our Docsners special will be out in late December! Keep an eye out for more voting categories to come! #Docsners

The Doctor DC Podcast
@DoctorDCNov 08
Best Event: Inferno
The King in Black
Infinite Frontier
Death Metal
Fear State Cast your vote here: #Docsners
The King in Black
Infinite Frontier
Death Metal
Fear State Cast your vote here: #Docsners

The Doctor DC Podcast
@DoctorDCNov 08
Best Story Arc: Way of X 1-5 / X-Men Onslaught Revelations
The Cowardly Lot (Batman #106-111)
Wano (One Piece, Cha…
The Cowardly Lot (Batman #106-111)
Wano (One Piece, Cha…
Source: Doctor DC