Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeComic BooksReview: By The Horns #7

Review: By The Horns #7

By the Horns #7

I feel like a broken record when I say that the short version of what you’re about to read is that once again, the creative team have delivered a brilliant comic. By The Horns #7 is another high quality entry in a series that keeps hitting new heights.

Written by Markisan Naso, with art by Jason Muhr and colours by Andrei Tabacaru, the comic picks up more or less where issue five left off before issue six took an origin/zero issue style break with Elodie, Sajen, Zoso and Evelyn continuing their quest. Albeit now instead of trying to kill the unicorns, Elodie is trying to save them after Zoso’s revelation that he could heal Elodie’s husband (whom I had assumed was dead and not in a coma, but after rereading the issues, I realized that was an assumption on my end as Shintaro was never explicitly stated as dead, only gone).

By The Horns #7 has a little flavor of everything we’ve seen in the series thus far; fantastical creatures in fully realized cultures, fast violence against vivid backdrops all set against an emotional story that will pull on different strings depending on what you’re feeling in the moment. The series as a whole has been very moving, both the ups and downs of the emotional spectrum, and sometimes the same scene can leave you with different feelings on a second reading. Naso’s storytelling has been utterly wonderful throughout the series.

As always, Muhr and Tabacaru are brilliant. I’m not running out of ways to describe how much I love the art in this book, but I fear my metaphors and analogies are becoming increasingly more erratic and far reaching as I try to put words to (digital) paper in order to capture art that is amongst the best I’ve seen all year. By The Horns is an utterly gorgeous series.

You’re doing yourself a disservice if you’re not reading By The Horns #7.

Story: Markisan Naso Art/Lettering: Jason Muhr Colors: Andrei Tabacaru
Story: 9.7 Art: 10 Overall: 9.8 Recommendation: Buy

Scout Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Scout Comics

Source: Graphic Policy

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