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HomeComic BooksReview: Deathstroke Inc. #2

Review: Deathstroke Inc. #2

Deathstroke Inc. #2

Deathstroke Inc. #2 delivers an issue that’s full of action in unexpected ways. Deathstroke and the team must go to space to rescue scientists who have been taken hostage on a space station. It’s the type of setup that is open for some potential and writer Joshua Williamson and artist Howard Porter take advantage in ways that are beyond unexpected.

Deathstroke Inc. #2 has Deathstroke, Black Canary, and Hiro heading to space where they come across the unexpected Cyborg Superman who’s trying to do some villainy thing. Those specifics aren’t too important, it’s just the fun action by which Porter can work his artistic magic with the issue. Williamson keeps the story fun and fast paced with lots of action and the quips you’d hope for this sort of story. Deathstroke is full of irritation as he must deal with strange situation after strange situation. And his reactions are one of a grumpy soldier thrown into a crappy situation they don’t want to be in.

It’s Porter’s art that stands out for the issue and takes a fun romp into space to the next level. Hi-Fi handles the color while letterer Steve Wands has an interesting task based on the layouts of the page. It’s those layouts that pop.

Porter takes the issue in a really interesting direction with nothing but two-page spreads. The choice by the team is one that opens up the flow and the action in a way that feels appropriate for space. A normal grid layout with some panels breaking them wouldn’t quite have the same impact.

What’s impressive about Deathstroke Inc. #2 is how it evokes the weightlessness of space in those pages with a look that’s fitting and shows the flow of movement so well. It opens up amazing page flows with work that’s just not regularly scene in comics. The issue is so unique in its style that it deserves to be bought for the art alone. The fact the story is fun too just adds to the enjoyment of it all.

The issue doesn’t waste a moment setting up the various personalities of the characters and letting them shine in the issue. It also does an excellent job of setting up the plot to come and the mystery being dangled in front of us. A fantastic issue that’s a must see.

Story: Joshua Williamson Art: Howard Porter
Color: Hi-Fi Letterer: Steve Wands
Story: 8.15 Art: 10 Overall: 8.75 Recommendation: Buy

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXologyKindleZeus ComicsTFAW

Source: Graphic Policy

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