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HomeComic BooksPreview: Amazing Spider-Man #77

Preview: Amazing Spider-Man #77

Amazing Spider-Man #77

I’m not the biggest Spider-Man fan. He’s a character I’ve read on and off over the years picking it up when a new team comes on or a new arc begins. “Beyond” is the latest opportunity that ushering in not one creative team but a “board” guiding the character’s path. And what a path that has been so far. Ben Reilly has taken over as Spider-Man as Peter now lays in a coma fighting for his life and health. With Amazing Spider-Man #77, a new team from the “board” has stepped in to guide the issue and direction of the character.

Kelly Thompson is the writer for this issue which dials things back a little focusing on Beyond and Ben before setting him off to his next adventure. It’s an interesting issue really diving more into Beyond delivering hints throughout about this rather quirky corporation. Ben does a walk and talk with the mysterious Maxine Danger who heads up superhero development. Maxine drills Ben about his commitment to the project coming off as both threatening but also like someone trying to manage a business and taking things seriously. It’s hard to get a read off of the character to see if she’ll be part of whatever obstacles Ben will have to fight in the future.

With it, Thompson helps add more depth to Reilly who in these few issues has become a fairly well-rounded character full of doubt but you want to succeed. He comes off as real and sincere, someone we can relate to as readers. You understand his motivation and what’s holding him back in some ways. He’s trying to figure out his role and how he’s going to be the hero he wants to be. This isn’t an arrogant individual who has just put on the suit and swings away using the Spider-Man mantle. There’s thought and concern there.

Where the issue really pops is Sara Pichelli’s art. With the walk and talk there’s so much detail about Beyond Corporation that adds a lot to the company. We don’t know a lot about it so everything adds a little bit. With color by Nolan Woodard and lettering by Joe Caramagna, it comes off as a tech focused company that’s a little out there. Gags play through the background but each feels like there’s a story to tell. It’s a treat to read and just look at the art picking up every small detail.

Amazing Spider-Man #77 is a pretty solid issue. It adds a lot to the depth of the story and players and sets up the next adventure for Spider-Man. “Beyond” has done an excellent job of mixing the emotional, down to earth moments, with the fantastical superhero aspects. It’s not to late to hop on and swing into Spider-Man’s new direction and so far, it’s been well worth it.

Story: Kelly Thompson Art: Sara Pichelli
Color: Nolan Woodard Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Story: 7.75 Art: 8.25 Overall: 7.8 Recommendation: Read

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXologyKindleZeus ComicsTFAW

Source: Graphic Policy

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