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The Pokémon Company and Nintendo reveal new details about Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, Pokémon Shining Pearl, as well as new Hisuian forms for Zorua and Zoroark in Pokémon Legends: Arceus

New details have been revealed for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, Pokémon Shining Pearl and Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Read on below to learn more:

New details revealed for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, Pokémon Shining Pearl, and Pokémon Legends: Arceus games

The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo shared new details today about the Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl video games and unveiled new Hisuian forms for Zorua and Zoroark in the Pokémon Legends: Arceus game.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl will launch November 19, 2021, and Pokémon Legends: Arceus will launch January 28, 2022, exclusively on the Nintendo Switch systems.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl

Trainers can view a new video summarizing the latest information about Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl on the official Pokémon YouTube channel. Both games will be released on Friday, November 19, 2021, and are currently available for preorder with special early-purchase bonuses.[1]

A commemorative Pokémon GO event will also take place in-game to celebrate the launch of both titles from Tuesday, November 16, 2021, to Sunday, November 21, 2021. More details will be released on the official Pokémon GO Twitter page as well as on the official Pokémon GO blog.

New information revealed today also includes the following.

The Boss and Commanders of the Mysterious Team Galactic

As players explore Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, they’ll cross paths with friends and opponents alike.

Cyrus and Weavile

A charismatic figure who rules over Team Galactic. Cyrus always speaks and acts with a calm, logical demeanor. He detests human minds and emotions, finding them defective.

Mars and Purugly

Mars is a strong-willed commander who hates to lose and has sworn loyalty to Cyrus. Her passion for Pokémon sometimes inspires powerful emotional outbursts. Her partner Pokémon is Purugly.

Jupiter and Skuntank

Jupiter has a mysterious air about her. She is certainly skilled at Pokémon battles, but she’s willing to do anything—even steal other people’s Pokémon—to achieve her goals. Her partner Pokémon is Skuntank.

Saturn and Toxicroak

Saturn is a cool and collected commander. Despite being one of the few who occasionally harbor doubts about Cyrus’s plans, Saturn is cold and dispassionate enough to carry out his orders faithfully. His partner Pokémon is Toxicroak.

The Toughest Pokémon Trainers in Town: Gym Leaders

Candice and Abomasnow

Gym Leader Candice of the Snowpoint City Gym uses Ice-type Pokémon, with Abomasnow heading her team. Known as the Diamond Dust Girl, she’s a passionate Trainer who really emphasizes the value of focus.

Volkner and Luxray

Gym Leader Volkner of the Sunyshore City Gym uses Electric-type Pokémon, with Luxray heading his team. He’s said to be the strongest Gym Leader in the Sinnoh region, but he’s grown bored by a lack of tough challengers, so he spends his time constantly remodeling the Gym.

Legendary Pokémon Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf

These three Legendary Pokémon appear in the myths of the Sinnoh region. According to the people of Sinnoh, Uxie is the Being of Knowledge, Mesprit is the Being of Emotion, and Azelf is the Being of Willpower. How will these three Pokémon be involved in your adventure?

Three Lakes that Represent the Sinnoh Region

Sinnoh features three lakes filled with bountiful water: Lake Acuity, Lake Verity, and Lake Valor. It is said that Legendary Pokémon slumber at the bottom of these lakes.

For more information about Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, please visit Pokemon.com/DiamondPearl.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus

In addition to the early-purchase bonus of the Hisuian Growlithe Kimono Set,[2] the Baneful Fox Mask will be gifted to early purchasers of Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Players can don this unique Hisuian Zoroark–themed Baneful Fox Mask as they enjoy their adventures in the Hisui region![3]

Introducing the Newly Discovered Hisuian Forms of Zorua and Zoroark

Hisuian Zorua

Category: Spiteful Fox Pokémon
Type: Normal/Ghost

Height: 2’4″ (0.7 m)

Weight: 27.6 lbs. (12.5 kg)

Reborn as a Ghost-Type Using the Power of Spite

These Zorua migrated to the Hisui region after being driven from other lands by humans, who shunned the Pokémon for manifesting uncanny illusions. But the Zorua perished, unable to survive the harsh Hisuian environment and strife with other Pokémon. Their lingering souls were reborn in this Ghost-type form through the power of their malice toward humans and Pokémon.

Disguising Themselves and Feeding on Targets’ Terror

If Hisuian Zorua spot a lone person or Pokémon, the Zorua may appear before them in a guise mimicking the target’s appearance. Unlike the illusions of the previously discovered form of Zorua, these ghostly mimicries are created using spiteful power emitted from the long fur on Hisuian Zorua’s head, around its neck, and on its tail.

Hisuian Zoroark

Category: Baneful Fox Pokémon
Type: Normal/Ghost

Height: 5’3″ (1.6 m)

Weight: 160.9 lbs. (73 kg)

Cursed Illusions Erupt Forth from Its Voluminous Coat

The spiteful power emitted from Hisuian Zoroark’s long, writhing fur projects terrifying illusions—and can also inflict physical harm upon foes, damaging their bodies from both inside and out. And the illusions that Zoroark projects have expressions of such utter malice toward every last thing upon this world that those who see them are said to be driven mad by the terror.

A Pokémon with an Unexpected Soft Side
Hisuian Zoroark is ferociously hostile and aggressive toward people and other Pokémon. But it appears to have a compassionate streak for those it considers close or like family.

About Pokémon
The Pokémon Company International, a subsidiary of The Pokémon Company in Japan, manages the property outside of Asia and is responsible for brand management, licensing and marketing, the Pokémon Trading Card Game, the animated TV series, home entertainment, and the official Pokémon website. Pokémon was launched in Japan in 1996 and today is one of the most popular children’s entertainment properties in the world. For more information, visit www.pokemon.com.

[1] The Platinum Style outfit will be gifted to early purchasers of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl. Players can receive it by choosing Get via Internet from the Mystery Gift feature in their game, up through Monday, February 21, 2022. Players can change their outfit at Metronome Style Shop in Veilstone City. It takes approximately two hours of play time before players are able to access the Mystery Gift feature. An internet connection is required to receive the Platinum Style outfit. A Nintendo Switch Online membership (paid separately) is NOT required.

A Manaphy Egg will be gifted to early purchasers of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl. Players can receive it by choosing Get via Internet from the Mystery Gift feature in their game, up through Monday, February 21, 2022. By putting the Egg into your party and carrying it around on your adventure through the Sinnoh region, you’ll be able to hatch the Egg and gain Manaphy as a companion. It takes approximately two hours of play time before players are able to access the Mystery Gift feature. An internet connection is required to receive the Manaphy Egg. A Nintendo Switch Online membership (paid separately) is NOT required.

If you download Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl from Nintendo eShop by Monday, February 21, 2022, you’ll receive a code that can be redeemed for 12 Quick Balls. The code will be available from Friday, November 19, 2021, until Monday, February 21, 2022. The code will be valid through Monday, February 28, 2022.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl Double Pack will be released, containing Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl as a set. Two codes that can each be redeemed for 100 Poké Balls in-game will be given as gifts with the purchase of this product.

[2] The Hisuian Growlithe Kimono Set will be gifted to early purchasers of Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Players can receive it by choosing Get via Internet from the Mystery Gift feature in their game, up until Monday, May 9, 2022. Players will need to connect their Nintendo Switch system to the internet to claim Mystery Gifts. The user profile on the system will need to be linked to a Nintendo Account in order to connect to the internet. (This does not require a paid Nintendo Switch Online membership.) It takes approximately two hours of play time before the Mystery Gift feature is unlocked.

[3] The Baneful Fox Mask will be gifted to early purchasers of Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Players can receive it by choosing Get via Internet from the Mystery Gift feature in their game, up until Monday, May 9, 2022. Players will need to connect their Nintendo Switch system to the internet to claim Mystery Gifts. The user profile on the system will need to be linked to a Nintendo Account in order to connect to the internet. (This does not require a paid Nintendo Switch Online membership.) It takes approximately two hours of play time before the Mystery Gift feature is unlocked.

Source: Nintendo.com

BELLEVUE, WA—October 26, 2021—The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo shared new details today about the Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl video games and unveiled new Hisuian forms for Zorua and Zoroark in the Pokémon Legends: Arceus game.Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl will launch November 19, 2021, and Pokémon Legends: Arceus will launch January 28, 2022, exclusively on the Nintendo Switch systems.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl

Trainers can view a new video summarizing the latest information about Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl on the official Pokémon YouTube channel. Both games will be released on Friday, November 19, 2021, and are currently available for preorder with special early-purchase bonuses.[1]A commemorative Pokémon GO event will also take place in-game to celebrate the launch of both titles from Tuesday, November 16, 2021, to Sunday, November 21, 2021. More details will be released on the official Pokémon GO Twitter page as well as on the official Pokémon GO blog.

New information revealed today also includes the following.

The Boss and Commanders of the Mysterious Team Galactic
As players explore Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, they’ll cross paths with friends and opponents alike.

Cyrus and Weavile
A charismatic figure who rules over Team Galactic. Cyrus always speaks and acts with a calm, logical demeanor. He detests human minds and emotions, finding them defective.

Mars and Purugly 
Mars is a strong-willed commander who hates to lose and has sworn loyalty to Cyrus. Her passion for Pokémon sometimes inspires powerful emotional outbursts. Her partner Pokémon is Purugly.

Jupiter and Skuntank
Jupiter has a mysterious air about her. She is certainly skilled at Pokémon battles, but she’s willing to do anything—even steal other people’s Pokémon—to achieve her goals. Her partner Pokémon is Skuntank.

Saturn and Toxicroak
Saturn is a cool and collected commander. Despite being one of the few who occasionally harbor doubts about Cyrus’s plans, Saturn is cold and dispassionate enough to carry out his orders faithfully. His partner Pokémon is Toxicroak.

The Toughest Pokémon Trainers in Town: Gym Leaders

Candice and Abomasnow
Gym Leader Candice of the Snowpoint City Gym uses Ice-type Pokémon, with Abomasnow heading her team. Known as the Diamond Dust Girl, she’s a passionate Trainer who really emphasizes the value of focus.

Volkner and Luxray 
Gym Leader Volkner of the Sunyshore City Gym uses Electric-type Pokémon, with Luxray heading his team. He’s said to be the strongest Gym Leader in the Sinnoh region, but he’s grown bored by a lack of tough challengers, so he spends his time constantly remodeling the Gym.

Legendary Pokémon Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf
These three Legendary Pokémon appear in the myths of the Sinnoh region. According to the people of Sinnoh, Uxie is the Being of Knowledge, Mesprit is the Being of Emotion, and Azelf is the Being of Willpower. How will these three Pokémon be involved in your adventure?

Three Lakes that Represent the Sinnoh Region
Sinnoh features three lakes filled with bountiful water: Lake Acuity, Lake Verity, and Lake Valor. It is said that Legendary Pokémon slumber at the bottom of these lakes.

For more information about Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, please visit Pokemon.com/DiamondPearl.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus
In addition to the early-purchase bonus of the Hisuian Growlithe Kimono Set[2], the Baneful Fox Mask will be gifted to early purchasers of Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Players can don this unique Hisuian Zoroark–themed Baneful Fox Mask as they enjoy their adventures in the Hisui region![3]

Introducing the Newly Discovered Hisuian Forms of Zorua and Zoroark

Hisuian Zorua
Category: Spiteful Fox Pokémon
Type: Normal/Ghost
Height: 2’4″ (0.7 m)
Weight: 27.6 lbs. (12.5 kg)

Reborn as a Ghost-Type Using the Power of Spite
These Zorua migrated to the Hisui region after being driven from other lands by humans, who shunned the Pokémon for manifesting uncanny illusions. But the Zorua perished, unable to survive the harsh Hisuian environment and strife with other Pokémon. Their lingering souls were reborn in this Ghost-type form through the power of their malice toward humans and Pokémon.

Disguising Themselves and Feeding on Targets’ Terror
If Hisuian Zorua spot a lone person or Pokémon, the Zorua may appear before them in a guise mimicking the target’s appearance. Unlike the illusions of the previously discovered form of Zorua, these ghostly mimicries are created using spiteful power emitted from the long fur on Hisuian Zorua’s head, around its neck, and on its tail.

Hisuian Zoroark
Category: Baneful Fox Pokémon
Type: Normal/Ghost
Height: 5’3″ (1.6 m)
Weight: 160.9 lbs. (73 kg)

Cursed Illusions Erupt Forth from Its Voluminous Coat
The spiteful power emitted from Hisuian Zoroark’s long, writhing fur projects terrifying illusions—and can also inflict physical harm upon foes, damaging their bodies from both inside and out. And the illusions that Zoroark projects have expressions of such utter malice toward every last thing upon this world that those who see them are said to be driven mad by the terror.

A Pokémon with an Unexpected Soft Side
Hisuian Zoroark is ferociously hostile and aggressive toward people and other Pokémon. But it appears to have a compassionate streak for those it considers close or like family.

For more information about Pokémon Legends: Arceus, please visit Pokemon.com/LegendsArceus.

[1] The Platinum Style outfit will be gifted to early purchasers of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl. Players can receive it by choosing Get via Internet from the Mystery Gift feature in their game, up through Monday, February 21, 2022. Players can change their outfit at Metronome Style Shop in Veilstone City. It takes approximately two hours of play time before players are able to access the Mystery Gift feature. An internet connection is required to receive the Platinum Style outfit. A Nintendo Switch Online membership (paid separately) is NOT required.

A Manaphy Egg will be gifted to early purchasers of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl. Players can receive it by choosing Get via Internet from the Mystery Gift feature in their game, up through Monday, February 21, 2022. By putting the Egg into your party and carrying it around on your adventure through the Sinnoh region, you’ll be able to hatch the Egg and gain Manaphy as a companion. It takes approximately two hours of play time before players are able to access the Mystery Gift feature. An internet connection is required to receive the Manaphy Egg. A Nintendo Switch Online membership (paid separately) is NOT required.

If you download Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl from Nintendo eShop by Monday, February 21, 2022, you’ll receive a code that can be redeemed for 12 Quick Balls. The code will be available from Friday, November 19, 2021, until Monday, February 21, 2022. The code will be valid through Monday, February 28, 2022.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl Double Pack will be released, containing Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl as a set. Two codes that can each be redeemed for 100 Poké Balls in-game will be given as gifts with the purchase of this product.

[2] The Hisuian Growlithe Kimono Set will be gifted to early purchasers of Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Players can receive it by choosing Get via Internet from the Mystery Gift feature in their game, up until Monday, May 9, 2022. Players will need to connect their Nintendo Switch system to the internet to claim Mystery Gifts. The user profile on the system will need to be linked to a Nintendo Account in order to connect to the internet. (This does not require a paid Nintendo Switch Online membership.) It takes approximately two hours of play time before the Mystery Gift feature is unlocked.

[3] The Baneful Fox Mask will be gifted to early purchasers of Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Players can receive it by choosing Get via Internet from the Mystery Gift feature in their game, up until Monday, May 9, 2022. Players will need to connect their Nintendo Switch system to the internet to claim Mystery Gifts. The user profile on the system will need to be linked to a Nintendo Account in order to connect to the internet. (This does not require a paid Nintendo Switch Online membership.) It takes approximately two hours of play time before the Mystery Gift feature is unlocked.

Source: The Pokémon Company and Nintendo

Source: Pokemon

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