As far back I can remember I have always loved Star Wars. As the original movie came out on the year of my birth. I took it as a sign as me and the universe would forever be entangled. As me and my cousins grew up buying the toys from the franchise and dissecting the original movies more than a hundred times.
We were also part of the generation who grew up frustrated for years without new content onscreen. We would find solace in the books released b the Lucasfilm Story Group. As many of the stories would re-imagine many of our favorite characters in ongoing adventures, even some between the movies. In Greg Rucka and Ingo Romling’s brilliant Star Wars Adventures: Smuggler’s Run, our two favorite scoundrels find themselves go on a secret mission which has more than a few bumps along the way.
We are taken to Yavin 4, where Han and Chewie are loading supplies onto the Millennium Falcon and we find Leia and Han arguing about this mission she is ordering him on. As Han immediately infers that it’s a “suicide mission”, as the must go to Cyrkon to find a rebel spy , Ematt, whose team was murdered and he was the lone survivor and may be the key to the rebellion surviving the war. Of course , they are not the only ones looking for him as Commander Beck from the Imperial Security Bureau , is looking to finish the job she start when she assassinated his team. As ouCyrkon, r heroes and Beck land on Cyrkon, Han and Chewie run into some bounty hunters hired by Jabba the Hut to get the money owed, but Han uses his cunning to trick Beck into providing him cover fire so he can escape. Once Beck realizes what happens, she forces the bounty hunters to help track down our heroes. Han and Chewie eventually find Ematt but get captured by Beck before they could flee Cyrkon. Thankfully, their friends, Delia and Curtis, come to their rescue, giving them a way out but the Imperial Fleet is nipping at their heels. By the book’s end, our heroes escape, Beck relents at losing them and the Rebellion lives to fight another day.
Overall, Star Wars Adventures: Smuggler’s Run is a nice adventure which doesn’t get too swept up in canon, and remembers to have fun. The story by Rucka is exciting. The adaptation by Worley is brilliant. The art by the creative team is gorgeous. Altogether, Star Wars Adventures: Smuggler’s Run is a story that is escapism at its finest.
Story: Greg Rucka Translation: Edward Gauvin Adaptation: Alec Worley Art: Ingo Romling and Amauri Osorio
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy
IDW Publishing provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review
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Source: Graphic Policy