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HomeComic BooksReview: Deathstroke, Inc. #1

Review: Deathstroke, Inc. #1

Deathstroke, Inc. #1

Lets get the big thing out of the way, Deathstroke is a very complicated character with a past that’s unforgiveable at times. There’s some major stories featuring the character that has him as a pedophile and rapist. For that alone, it’s a bit awkward to see the character in a starring comic, and has been. But, it’s even more difficult when that comic is just… fun. Deathstroke, Inc. #1 has the character joining a new organization, T.R.U.S.T. who are taking down DC’s villains. Joining Deathstroke are Hiro Okamura, aka Toyman 2.0, and Black Canary. The trio creates a combination that’s full of over-the-top action cool.

Written by Joshua Williamson, Deathstroke, Inc. #1 drops readers right into the action with crazy action moments and full page art that pops. There’s little you need to know here, it’s Black Canary and Deathstroke vs. H.I.V.E. with orders to bring the H.I.V.E. Queen in alive. That doesn’t stop the duo from blowing things up, shredding bad guys with guys that’d back Rob Liefeld blush, and all the cool tech toys a looted Batman’s arsenal brings. Yes, you read that right, T.R.U.S.T. has access to a lot of Batman’s former toys. Deathstroke riding in on a Batmobile? Yeah, it’s here. Hints at even more cool tech toys to play with? That’s peppered throughout the comic. Deathstroke, Inc. #1 is James Bond action on steroids, Q and all.

While Williamson doesn’t address the most troublesome of Deathstroke’s actions, what he does bring up is the guilt. Through all of the explosions and action, he gives us some motivations as to why Deathstroke and Black Canary are now partners and part of this new organization. We get a sense of a character who has aged and trying to create some sort of legacy that’s more than being a mercenary and villain. There’s a lot there and we’ll see if Williamson dives into some of his weightier moments.

Deathstroke, Inc. #1 pops due to Howard Porter’s art with colors from Hi-Fi and lettering by Steve Wands. The action is dialed up to 11 with no subtlety at all. This is a comic which doesn’t take itself seriously and has no issue ramping everything up to silly moments. Drone strikes won’t get you to blink as entire blocks go up in flames. There’s also some great creepiness to it all as H.I.V.E. is depicted in an interesting way that is a little unnerving. A trip into the Queen’s home turns into the things of nightmares and that’s all due to the visuals. It’s impressive to deliver such a twisted, unnerving aspect to the popcorn action.

Deathstroke, Inc. #1 is a fun comic. It doesn’t take itself seriously and just goes with the flow. There’s no thinking here. It’s big guns, cool toys, and lots of action packed in its pages. But, Williamson teases a little more with the characters’ motivations. Whether the series continues its popcorn summer blockbuster path or can be more will be all about that and we’ll have to wait and see. But, for a beginning, this is a crazy start that shows off everyone’s talents.

Story: Joshua Williamson Art: Howard Porter
Color: Hi-Fi Letterer: Steve Wands
Story: 8.25 Art: 8.75 Overall: 8.3 Recommendation: Buy

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXologyKindleZeus ComicsTFAW

Source: Graphic Policy

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