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HomeComic BooksReview: The Death of Doctor Strange #1

Review: The Death of Doctor Strange #1

The Death of Doctor Strange #1

As a lifelong comic book fan, I can honestly say, I love living in the times we are now. Growing up, the only thing we had to see onscreen were the cartoons from Marvel. Eventually, we would see the Japanese version of Spider-Man, which doesn’t quite hold up. Then there was the Incredible Hulk TV show, which actually showed a complex superhero, before the modern explorations we’re able to enjoy now.

Then came the Blade movies, and we not only got to see action in the horror genre but watch comic books start to become part of the mainstream. Fast forward to now, and we have comic book superheroes in live action and animated TV shows and movies. The recent hit MCU TV show What If..? proves you can tell complex compelling stories using animation. In the debut issue of The Death Of Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme has finally met his mortality, leaving the world defenseless without him at guard.

We open on Stephen as he awakes in the Sanctum Sanctorum, as he goes on  a walk with Bats, he recount show his gift for surgery came back and how he has at least returned to it , part time.  Of course, his job as Sorcerer Supreme takes paramount, as he stops a police shooting a man who was possessed b the Seven Sons of Cinnibus, thereby severing a connection to the evil lords, whilst saving the man’s life.  Later, we find Stephen teaching a class at the Strange Academy, where Dole, Dormammu’s son , sense his father’s presence nearby, alerting Stephen to spring into action, with Illyana by his side,  as he encounters the Crimson Bands Of Cyttoraki  who have entered his dimension. Then everything gets titled on its head, when one night as he sits in the Sanctum Sanctorum alone, a malevolent force is at their doorstep and has Stephen at a disadvantage. By the issue’s end, all his allies feel his life-force leave the astral plane, the mystery of who killed lies at the center, Mordo is not the culprit and multiple extra dimensional invasions are happening all over Earth.

Overall, The Death Of Doctor Strange #1 begins a crackling murder mystery that proves anyone can be the villain. The story by Mackay is exciting. The art by the creative team is gorgeous. Altogether, a thriller worthy of Dashiell Hammett.

Story: Jed MacKay Art: Lee Garbett
Color: Antonio Fabela Letterer: Cory Petit
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXology – Kindle – TFAW

Source: Graphic Policy

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