Don your finest attire, because Pokémon GO Fashion Week is here! Fashionable
Pokémon will be strutting their stuff from Tuesday, September 21,
2021, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. local time,
with the fiercely fabulous Furfrou making its Pokémon GO debut. Originally
discovered in Kalos, the Poodle Pokémon can take on several stylish Trims. In
Pokémon GO, you’ll be able to choose your Furfrou’s appearance, too!
You’ll first encounter
Furfrou in its Natural Form. From there, select Furfrou in your Pokémon
storage, and then tap Change Form to see the available Trims. Changing
your Furfrou’s Trim will require 25 Furfrou Candies and 10,000 Stardust. The
Matron Trim and Dandy Trim will be available everywhere, while other Trims will
be available depending on your location.
Furfrou isn’t the only
stylish Pokémon appearing during this event. You can find costumed Pokémon appearing
in the wild, including Butterfree, Sneasel, Kirlia, and Blitzle. Costumed
Sneasel and Shinx will be appearing in one-star raids, and costumed Butterfree
and Kirlia will appear in three-star raids. Pokémon hatching from 7 km Eggs
will include Alolan Meowth, Galarian Meowth, costumed Smoochum, and costumed
Shinx. And if you’re really lucky, you might find a Shiny Pokémon like Butterfree,
Sneasel, Smoochum, Kirlia, Shinx, Croagunk, or Blitzle, all of which will be
wearing costumes.
During the event, the next part
of the season-long Misunderstood Mischief Special Research story will unlock. You
can also look forward to another Special Research story featuring Meloetta! If you
haven’t yet caught the Melody Pokémon, you’ll be able to encounter it in this
Special Research story. If you have already encountered Meloetta, you’ll earn
Meloetta Candy instead.
If you’re looking to glamorize
your avatar, you can complete event-exclusive Timed Research to earn the
Furfrou Wig avatar item. Starting Monday, September 20, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. PDT (GMT
−7), you’ll also be able to pick up other
Fashion Week avatar items in the shop, such as the Hoopa Bangles.
Fashion Challengers and their
equally stylish Pokémon will be appearing at PokéStops. Battle them to earn
Get out there and strut your stuff, Trainers—for Furfrou, for fashion, and for fun!

Source: Pokemon