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HomeGamesPrivateer Press Posts New Iron Kingdoms RPG Author Interview

Privateer Press Posts New Iron Kingdoms RPG Author Interview

September 20, 2021 by Polar_Bear

Privateer Press is continuing their series of Author interviews as they get closer to the release of the new Iron Kingdoms RPG. This time around, they talk with Steen Comer. Check out what special skills he brings to the team in this article.

From the interview:

In our buildup to the launch of our next Iron Kingdoms RPG launch, we continue our interviews with the writers behind the magic. Up next: Steen Comer, mediapathic extraordinaire…

Hello! Pleased to meet you. Won’t you come in? I’m Steen Comer, and when I’m not creating worlds for the Iron Kingdoms, I’m creating worlds for my own weird fiction or working as a copyeditor introducing otherwise brilliant academics to Our Friend, The Comma. If you want to find me on the Internet, I’m “mediapathic” essentially everywhere.

Tell us a bit about how you first experienced the Iron Kingdoms setting…

My first experience with the Iron Kingdoms was probably when a coworker at a bar where I worked at the time brought in some minis he was painting, and showed them around. He pulled out what I think was a Cryx Wraith Engine and I immediately thought, “I have no idea what’s going on here and I want in on it.”


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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