Niantic has updated the official Known Issues support page for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more:
Known Issues
Issue description: Due to Inkay’s unique evolution method, Trainers who play Pokemon GO on devices without a gyroscope are not able to evolve Inkay into Malamar.
Issue status: Resolved in upcoming release (0.221)
Issue description: The “Can Evolve” search filter does not apply when selected.
Issue status: Resolved in upcoming release (0.219.1). In the meantime, we have removed this option from the Recommended filter list to mitigate confusion.
AR Mapping Field Research is not marked as completed even after AR Scan is uploaded.
Issue description: AR Mapping Field Research is currently offline while we implement improvements on the feature. Trainers who currently have an AR Mapping Field Research task should still be able to complete the task, but are currently unable to.
Issue status: Resolved, AR Mapping Field Research Tasks are back online.
Issue description:Trainers may see their buddy disappear from the map after evolving it.
Issue status: Investigating
Workaround: In the meantime, if the Trainer force-closes and reopens their app, their buddy will reappear.
Issue description: A costumed Raid Boss during a special event will lose its costume if it is caught after the event ends, even if the Raid Battle takes place right before the end time of the event. For GO Fest trainers battling close to the end of each day, please be advised that GO Fest ends at 6pm local time on July 17th and July 18th.
Issue status: Investigating
Issue description: Some costumed Pokemon, such as Galarian Zigzagoon and Galarian Ponyta, may load as a ball of white light when trying to view them in the Pokédex.
Issue status:Resolved in release (0.219)
Trainers may receive the wrong dialogue from Professor Willow during Special Research.
Issue description: If you have an outstanding choice from a previous Special Research and make a choice on new Special Research, you will receive the dialogue from the previous Special Research choice. However, this is only visual, and you will receive the correct rewards from your current Special Research.
Issue status:Investigating. If you encounter this issue and wish to see what Professor Willow has said, you can click on the Professor Willow icon for that Special Research to revisit his dialogue.
Issue description:For certain Samsung devices, particularly those outside the United States, Trainers may see a brief flash caused by weather effects when they’re on the map view.
Issue status:Resolved in release (0.217). Weather-related visual effects have been re-enabled in the game as this issue is now resolved.
Issue description:A small percentage of Trainers may experience a delay of up to 72 hours after making an in-app purchase for the item to appear in their Item Bag.
Issue status: Mitigated in (0.213) and we are continuing to investigate the root cause. If you have not received your item in over 72 hours, or if you are blocked from accessing an event because of this issue, please contact Support with your purchase receipt including the purchase order number and the e-mail address matching your Pokémon GO account.
Issue Description:When a Trainer catches a Pokémon, all forms of that Pokémon will appear in the Pokédex even if the Trainer has not yet caught the alternate forms of that Pokémon.
Issue status:Resolved in release (0.219)
Issue description: When using the Friends page sorting option “online”, friends who are currently online will not float to the top of the page. Trainers are still able to see which friends are online, but they will not be sorted.
Issue status: Resolved
Issue description: Trainers may experience issues enabling or disabling Adventure Sync, or may experience inaccurate distance tracking.
Issue status: Investigating
Trainer receives an “ERROR_GIFT_DOES_NOT_EXIST” notification when attempting to open a gift from a Friend.
Issue description:Sometimes when a Trainer selects a gift they’ve received from a Friend, the gift disappears and they are given a “ERROR_GIFT_DOES_NOT_EXIST” notification. The gift then disappears from their inventory and items are not received.
Issue status: Investigating
Source: Official Pokémon GO support page
Source: Pokemon