There doesn’t seem to be as much to talk about this week, but feels like a whole lot. You know what I mean? Let’s breakdown this week’s Marvel Legends, The Eternals from Bandai, Four Horseman’s Cosmic Legions, TMNT from both NECA and Super7, a big ol’ Mezco Godzilla, new Hasbro Fortnite, MOTU, and even some Dragon Ball!
Four Horsemen Cosmic Legions Wave 1
Mattel Masters of the Universe Masterverse PowerCon Reveals
McFarlane Toys Warhammer 40K Big Mek, Big Mek Artist Proof, Meganob w/Buzzsaw, Meganob w/Shoota, Reiver, Reiver Artist Proof, Genestealer, Genestealer Artist Proof
Bandai Tamashii Nations SH Figuarts Dragon Ball Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Son Goku Kaio Ken Event Exclusive Color Edition
Bandai S.H. Figuarts Marvel The Eternals Kingo, Ikaris, Sersi
Hasbro Marvel Legends Spider-Man Retro Wave
Hasbro Marvel Legends Teases
Hasbro Fortnite Victory Royale Series Jules and Ohm Deluxe Set
Super7 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ULTIMATES Wave 6 Mouser Tease
Get ready to snap up Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ULTIMATES! Wave 6 next week! #TMNT #UltimatesFigures #Super7 pic.twitter.com/3aMblQjvFo
— Super7 (@super7store) September 16, 2021
NECA Loot Crate Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Dark Turtle
AND full photos pic.twitter.com/cmR1iv4ZQR
— Loot Crate (@lootcrate) September 14, 2021
Source: Fwoosh