Sometimes, the staff at Graphic Policy read more comics than we’re able to get reviewed. When that happens you’ll see a weekly feature compiling short reviews from the staff of the comics, or graphic novels, we just didn’t get a chance to write a full review for. Given the lack of new comics, expect this weekly update to begin featuring comics that we think you’ll enjoy while you can’t get anything new to read – only new to you.
These are Graphic Policy’s Mini Reviews and Recommendations.

Superman ‘78 #1 (DC)– Robert Venditti, Wilfredo Torres, and Jordie Bellaire transport you to a time when you believed a man could fly, and that Marlon Brando got paid a fortune just to deliver a few ominous lines of dialogue. Torres’ clean, strong lines that capture the likeness of the characters of the film while still remaining dynamic set the tone for the comic, and he and Venditti’s use of only a few panels per page make you drink in the big moments like Clark Kent transforming into Superman. Speaking of Clark Kent, Robert Venditti digs into the folksiness of Christopher Reeve’s portrayal of Kent that is the polar opposite of the strong, competent Superman, and Wilfredo Torres’ skill with body language brings this classic portrayal into a new medium. The baddie is Brainiac. (Actually one of his robots.) His design is delightfully classic Battlestar Galactica/Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and his motivation is simple, yet compelling. Superman ‘78 #1 really feels like a long lost Richard Donner directed sequel to the original film while featuring things that only comics can do like picking the most iconic moments to tell the story and having color play an integral role in the narrative. (Bellaire has some great reds.) Overall: 8.7 Verdict: Buy
Made in Korea #4 (Image)– In a country where school shootings are a common occurrence, it’s horrifying to see the students and teachers at Jesse’s school seem non-plussed and making retro jokes when she and the two bad kids at her school walk in to shoot it up in Made in Korea #4. (Personal gun ownership has been banned for the last 50 years.) Jeremy Holt and George Schall spend most of the issue showing the trauma that Jesse feels as she realizes the situation that she has gotten herself into, even spending an entire page on the systems malfunction that happens to her. Everything is really heightened in this issue from Jesse’s Terminator-esque form to the reactions from the students, teachers, and Jesse’s parents when they see the news. Schall even shifts the color palette towards the end of the issue as Jesse just wants to be “home” after singlehandedly saving the school and ruthlessly taking out the shooters. This just happens in a deadpan, matter of fact way with no stylistic touches. There’s a mechanical quality to the way she punches through walls to evacuate students and truly human quality to her face as she tries to process everything and find a safe space. And the final page really opens up a can of worms. Made in Korea #4 is emotionally effective and character-driven science fiction, and I can’t wait to see how the final two issues turn out. Overall: 8.9 Verdict: Buy.
Well, there you have it, folks. The reviews we didn’t quite get a chance to write. See you next week!
Please note that with some of the above comics, Graphic Policy was provided FREE copies for review. Where we purchased the comics, you’ll see an asterisk (*). If you don’t see that, you can infer the comic was a review copy. In cases where we were provided a review copy and we also purchased the comic you’ll see two asterisks (**).
Source: Graphic Policy