New toy surprises are ALWAYS a good thing, and this past week, the new Marvel Legends Wolverine boxset arrived on the doorstep or the Fwoosh Offices, so you know we just had to talk about it!
As I am sure you remember, this set, and Callisto in particular, holds a special place in our hearts, so we have been excited for this. Hasbro was kind enough to send over an early final copy of this set (thanks, guys!), but it is scheduled to be out before the end of the year.
Robo and I spent over an hour chatting about Wolverine, Callisto, Mastermind, Cyber, and Omega Red on the FwooshCast live yesterday. If you missed it, the link is below. We start talking about all of the details and show comparisons and other things right around the one hour mark, so if that is what you want to see, you can skip ahead to that.
Here are few pictures to go along with it. If you have not pre-ordered this set yet, you can still do so at Amazon, so go get it!
Source: Fwoosh